Levon ChaushianSymphony, concerts, symphonic poems, sonatas, romances, choruses, quartets… “I knew music even before I learned to speak”, - half-jokingly, half serious says the composer. |
Spiritual awakening of TatevFather Michael Gevorgyan serves in Tatev Monastery. From 1927-2008, the Monastery had no clergy, all religious rites were forgotten, people were skeptical towards the priest coming to the village, and sometimes denounced them. Hard temptations were awaiting Father Michael, his only hope was his loyalty to official covenant... |
FosteringWhy is it important to show care towards your neighbor, what does it take from someone to be a foster and what does he gain? Father Markos Mangasarian, surgeon Karen Qloyan and Pastor's wife Anahit Hovhannisyan, who is involved in the care of orphanage children, share their experience and view-points on fostering. |
Acolytes of SyunikTatev Monastery is the spiritual center of Syunik Diocese. The famous Syunik Seminary was established here, in 14th century. The Seminary is destroyed at present, however, little acolytes are being ordained and serving in the Church. Most of them are the descendents of the one-time Syunik Seminary students and they preserve the traditions transferred by their ancestors. The priest of Tatev Monastery, Father Michael Gevorgyan, tells about the characters of the little servants of the Church and their daily routine.
The Christmas of CheknaghChristmas has a special sacrament for the little acolytes of the village Cheknagh (means ''beauteous''). Here the acolytes are ՛՛mobile՛՛. During the blessing of Water, the blessed water is transported by children from village to village in a special solemnity and the lithurgy is served there. |
Four brothersHovhannes, Pargev, Gor and Arman are brothers. All four of them were ordained in 2009 as acolytes. The family lives in the yard of Yerevan St. Grigor Lusavorich Church. Hovhannes, the eldest of brothers, remembers the process of building the Church very well. They got acquainted with the priests right there, in the yard of the church. This was a circumstance to determine the future path of Hovhannes, and later, of other brothers. |
State Youth Orchestra of ArmeniaFrom the onset of its establishement, up to day, the life of State Youth Orchestra of Armenia is one of a wide-range program of concerts, rehearsals and travelling. It is even more interesting when told by the musicians themselves... Participants: |