Avetis -  God told Noah to take pairs of all animals – a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl.
Arpi   - But what if they eat each other?
Avetis – No, God will not allow that happen.
The wise thoughts of the Bible are for everyone, all times and all ages.
The TV series “Little Stories from the Bible” is the first introduction of Avetis and Arpi to the Holy Scriptures and their TV experience of telling their first impressions to their coevals. 


Abraham sends a servant to his birthplace to find a bride for his son Isaac. The servant waits at the only spring in the city until one of the girls in the city will water his camels as well as himself. The servant aims to find the most beautiful bride in the city. Soon, the most beautiful girl in the city, Rebekah, approaches the spring.

The wells

Isaac's house was bigger than the king's palace. He was richer because God was helping him. Isaac's wife, Rebekah, was so beautiful that he had to tell people that she was his sister. This secret is one day revealed by the king and Isaac and his servants are banished from the country. After moving, he orders a well to be dug, but this time he meets with new resistance.

Water in the desert

ADRIANA - Why are they shouting, what do they want from Moses?
GOR - They are thirsty, they want water
ADRIANA - But where does water come from in the desert?
GOR - Moses knows that God will do something.
ADRIANA - But will he really do? ԱԴՐԻԱՆԱ - Բայց իսկականից կանի՞:

Jesus calms the storm

Jesus is always so calm. Because he is not afraid, he believes! The storm will calm down. Oh, you will see.


John the Baptist knew something no one else did. I wonder what-  whether the planet Earth is round or that the whale is the largest animal.? Well, I don't think so, I know them too…



Jesus calms the storm

Misak - There is a wedding in Cana - fun, joy. Arsine - Yes, Jesus is also invited. Misak - Guests drink, dance and eat. Arsine - And drink, dance and eat again until ... Misak" - Until when? Arsine - Before the wine runs out. Misak - Oh, what are they going to do?




The Temptation of Jesus in the Desert

Arsine – Look, how tortured is Jesus from the heat, and he didn’t eat anything for forty days…
Misak – Yes, but still he won’t betray the God and believe in the promises of Satan, will be? 
Arsine – No way. The Satan is too far from faith.


Story of Zaccheus

Girl – See, Jesus says: Zaccheus, quick, get down, I must spend the night at your house. 
Boy – But there are so many other good and honest people around, why does Jesus go just to his house? It’s not fair!
Girl – Yes, even people don’t quite approve it. But don’t rush, let’s see what will happen next.


Jonah in the Belly of a Fish

Girl: Jonah tells everything; he says that the storm was because of him and the sailors will throw him away into the sea. 
Boy: But they aren’t going to throw him into the sea, are they? 
Girl: They did it!
Boy: Oh, I don’t believe it! Is he drowning? 
Girl: I don’t remember, let’s watch…


Prophet Elijah

Mher: Everything has dried out…
Dona: Because of King Ahab. He’s got so angry, so angry, that not a single drop of rain falls from sky, and all the waters have dried out.
Mher: If people ask, would God help them?
Dona: He helps even without asking? See?!

Joseph – Ruler of Egypt

Dona: Joseph explains his dream with God’s help. He says that seven years will be years of full harvest, and the following seven years nothing will grow.
Mher: What if the Pharaoh gets mad at Joseph?
Dona: Of course he won’t! He just tells him to rule over the whole matter himself.


David and Goliath

Dona: David through away his armours.
Mher: Then how is he going to defeat giant Goliath?
Dona: With God’s help using his sling.
Mher: With a stone? Come on, ha-ha-ha.
Dona: Look now! See?!