
Podcastle "is a free web platform, with the help of which the user can record and edit podcasts, remote interviews և any kind of audio material.  Podcastle's artificial intelligence tools allow you to convert cloned text to audio and vice versa. In one year, Podcastle received $ 2 million in funding from international investment companies. At the moment the platform has more than 150 thousand users.


The main direction of "Solara" company is the design, installation and maintenance of solar stations. It is one of the most experienced Armenian companies operating in the field of solar energy.

Dvin Village

This time the program "Land does not wait" was hosted in the Dvin village, participated in the peach harvest with farmer Gegham, found out how to have an abundant harvest, how to water the pear-peach trees. Then listened to the advice of another farmer, Arthur, how to protect tomatoes from moths threatening.

"Goodness from the fruit"

Charentsavan raspberries become raw material in the equipment factory of the Hovhannisyan brothers, and become a finished product in the company of "I Bari" fruit and jams. Not only jam is exported, but also equipment. Goodness from fruit is possible in Armenia!

The handmade world of Susanna Abovyan. batik, rag, costume(taraz)

"My job is a window for me. When I open it, I find myself in a place where I do what is close to my heart.” Anahit Abovyan is an artist by profession, but over the years she has specialized in making batik, gafika and costume.

Farmer Tigran

Tigran Mikaelyan cleaned the pasture from rock and stone for 5 years and calculated. Today he has 15 hectares of land where he grows organic raspberries. He bought Korean herbivorous pigs a few years ago. "With smart calculation and great dedication, you will definitely succeed," says successful farmer Tigran.

Hovtashat Village

How to cultivate okra properly, how to harvest it, when to water it to get a rich harvest?
In Hovtashat village, in the watermelon field, there is also a harvest. And when is a watermelon considered ripe, when and how to harvest it?  Landlords give advice.

10 Web

The 10 Web platform through artificial intelligence technology allows both professionals and novices to instantly create a WordPress website.

Adele's "Art Dolls"

Adel Yeremyan was an economist by profession, one day she wanted to do more than count.  Her husband bought the doll she liked and the "Adele Doll Story" began.

Village Sipanik

Sipanik agriculturist Artak has established a model greenhouse of 1000 square meters.  He wants to spread his version of the greenhouse economy in the village.

Village Chobankyara

Farmer Abraham imported 20 varieties of tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers from abroad.  "We have to go to the international market to import seeds and get new species thanks to our sun, water and soil," says Abraham, a farmer in Chobankyara village.

Potter Shahe Harutyunyan

Potter Shahe Harutyunyan's workshop breathes Armenianness.  miniature, architecture, sculpture, ornament.  Shahe mixes his thoughts with the symbolic details of Armenian art and gets his manuscript.