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New Strategy for Education and Science: Part 184Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the relationship between artificial intelligence and education with mathematician Tigran Ishkhanyan. To what extent is artificial intelligence, as a technological tool, useful for education, and what dangers and threats can it pose? |
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Levon Shant
Levon Shant was the only Western Armenian writer of the famous Vernatan founded by Tumanyan. He created works in a variety of literary genres, but his literary fame was brought to him by his dramatic works: "The Ancient Gods", "The Emperor", "Oshin Payl", "The Princess of the Fallen Fortress". Like his party friends Nikol Aghbalyan and Avetis Aharonyan, Shant tried to combine literary life and political activity throughout his life. A graduate of the Gevorgyan Theological Seminary, in 1919 he assumed the duties of the Speaker of the Parliament of the First Republic of Armenia. After the Sovietization of Armenia, he left his homeland forever. In 1929, Levon Shant proclaimed the foundation of the National Educational and Cultural Union in Beirut and the creation of the Nshan Palanchkan Seminary. Both are still operating today.
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New Strategy for Education and Science: Part 182
After the ethnic cleansing in Artsakh, a special department was created in “TUMO” to deal with forcibly displaced youth from Artsakh. It supports, helps and makes suggestions to them. In addition, “TUMO” organizes seminars for trainers, in which specialists forcibly displaced from Artsakh participate. The five-month course is free of charge. Moreover, participants receive a scholarship. Hovhannes Yeranyan hosted in the “Tague” the expert-trainer of the “TUMO” center, poet Violet Grigoryan.
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New Strategy for Education and Science: Part 181
With Tigran Shahverdyan, a member of the Scientific Initiative and founder of Robomart, Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the role and significance of science and technology in ensuring the country's security and economic development in the "Tavern".
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New Strategy for Education and Science: Part 180
With Spartak Vardanyan, Director of the Armenian-Chinese Friendship School Foundation, Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the importance of knowledge of the Chinese language and the role of school graduates in building bridges of friendship with this fastest-growing superpower.
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New strategy of education and science. part 179
Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the interdisciplinary school project "Root and Sprout" with the founder of "Supporters" NGO, candidate of pedagogical sciences Ani Manukyan, within the framework of which students do research work, discovering their own roots.
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New strategy of education and science. Part 177
Prospects for autonomous devices in air, water, and land
Hovhannes Yeranyan talked with Tigran Bakaryan, the leading researcher of the Center for Scientific Innovations and Education, about the exclusive conference held in Yerevan, which was entirely dedicated to the safety issues of self-driving devices in air, land and water areas, and the prospects of this competitive scientific field in Armenia.
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New strategy of education and science. Part 175
Problems of the new draft law on education and science
Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the activity of the laboratory, the fate of academic institutes, as well as the problematic points of the draft of the new Law on Education and Science with Hovakim Zakaryan, a leading researcher of the Institute of Molecular Biology of the National Academy of Sciences.
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New strategy of education and science. part 172
Differences between the Armenian and Korean experience in the organization of science and education
Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the importance of the development of competitive science and quality education with Astghik Hakobyan, researcher of the Center for Scientific Innovation and Education. Compare the experience of Armenia and developed countries in the organization of science and education.
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New strategy of education and science. Part 171With education expert Serob Khachatryan, Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the complex issues of organizing education in the new school year. They are numerous in both general education and higher education sectors. |
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New strategy of education and science. part 170
Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed with Yelena Sarafyan, the author of the "Henk" educational program, and Lusine Zakaryan, the editor, their initiative to make the Armenian literature course more attractive and interesting for students, parallel to the school program.
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New strategy of education and science. part 169
Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the problems of teaching the modern Armenian language to foreign students, immigrants from the Diaspora, and schoolchildren forcibly emigrated from Artsakh with Gohar Ohanjanyan, the director of the Big Mind Kids Center office, and Lusine Hambaryan, the head of the language program