Phonograph 07.04.2018

Only 5 of 20 awards of “Tsitsernak (Sparrow)” went to classic music.
Spanish musicians and the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia celebrated the Mothers Day.
The first concerts of the State Symphonic Orchestra of Armenia was in Germany - in Elbphilharmonie. 
Member of the Composers and Music Critics Union of Armenia, composer Martun Israyelyan is 80.
32 years out of 50 belonged to the stage. On April 3, Merited Artist of Armenia Aram Gevorgyan - Aramo, celebrated his 50th anniversary with his old and new songs.


Phonograph 24.02.2018

At the closing concert of Penderecki Festival, the most renowned composition of the composer “Seven Gates of Jerusalem” was performed for the first time in Armenia.
Individual and group training courses were organized for the brass instrument player students of several music schools in Yerevan. 
Johann Sebastian Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 and "Coffee Cantata" performed after 20 years’ break.
Presentation of the yearbook “Komitas and Traditional Music Culture” in ՝ Komitas Museum-Institure.


Phonograph 03.03.2018

Pier Carlo Orizio, Luca Ranieri: the guest of the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra.
Concert of National Academic Choir of Armenia dedicated to the centenary of Sardarapat Heroic Battle։
 Thousand and One Song in Komitas Museum-Institute.
“Willy Weiner & Friends” at Chamber Music House։
Medea Abrahamyan is 85 years old: the monograph dedicated to the famous cellist was presented at her jubilee ceremony.


Phonograph 17.03.2018

Famous Polish conductor, winner of Grammy, Emmy awards, Canne’s Classical Award Antoni Wit arrived in Armenia for the first time. The legendary conductor was hosted in the pavilion of “Phonograph”.
Classic music - for life.
Phenomenal pedagogue whom several generations of first-class musicians owe their emergence.  The gift of the student of Vache Umr-shat to the teacher.
Mher Navoyan delivered a presentation on the musical-ritual manuscripts of the Armenian Church and the manners of performing Armenian spiritual songs.


Phonograph 10.03.2018

Symphonic Orchestra of Opera and Ballet Theatre, opera singers from abroad, masterpieces of opera repertoire within the framework of Marine Deinyan's jubilee evening.
Sofia Vardanyan: talented young violinist's concert with the National Symphony Orchestra.
The 9th Armenian Composers' Art Festival was held in Yerevan on March 5-9, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the founder of the modern Armenian composer school Grigor Yeghiazaryan. 
The "Thousand and One Song" educational program was held at Komitas Museum-Institute, during which the participants learned how to make labor songs of women. 


Phonograph 10.02.2018

Tigran Mansurian's Requiem nominated for International Classic Music Awards. 
On February 5 Flora Martirosyan would turn 60. 
The Lebanese Armenian soprano singer Shoghig Torossian's performance with the State Symphonic Orchestra of Armenia..  
Aram Khachaturian State String Quartet in the countries which are in war situation. 
Alternative Music Education in “Nexus” Art Center. 


James Peng Liu - Artistic Director and Conductor of one of the most acclaimed Asian orchestras

The artistic director and principal conductor of Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra James Peng Liu tells about the popularity of classic academic music in China, about millions of young Chinese musicians, Chinese contemporary composers and the secrets of virtuosity of Asian musicians in the pavilion of “Phonograph”.

Phonograph 27.01.2018

The history of A. Spendiaryan Opera and Ballet Theatre in one book. 
Survived songs: what songs are sang in various communities of Armenia, how can these be saved from oblivion?
How is the cartoon music created: Armenian and foreign experience.
Martin Ulikhanyan: Composer writing soundtracks.

Phonograph 03.02.2018

New concert series of the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra was launched with a concert of invited artists: the stage was hosted by James Peng Liu and Katharina Treutler.
Favorite compositions of Alexey Hekimyan performed by Vakhtang Kikabidze, Nani Bregvadze and Armenian singers.
 Meeting with Gata Band.
Art Development Center “Kayt” invites to learn traditional Armenian dances.


Phonograph 20.01.2018

Hovhannes Chekijian - National Hero of Armenia.
“Survival songs: from west to east”: a collage of stories and songs from different communities in Armenia. 
Sargis Bazhbeuk-Melikyan won in the 4th contest of international Christmas singers of Minsk.
Victories of vocal ensemble “Nairyan” over 2017. 
Aroutiunian Woodwind-Piano Quartet in A.  Khachaturian House within the scope of “Musical Thursday at Khachaturian’s house” program. 

Phonograph 11.11.2017

Gaetano Donizetti’s opera “Poliuto” returned to Alexander Spendiaryan Opera and Ballet Theatre.
4th festival of modern Armenian music finalized.
Little Singers of Armenia in Israel to participate in Abu Gosh Festival. 
200Th anniversary of Hovhannes Ayvazovski was celebrated in the RA National Academy of Science.


Phonograph 30.09.2017

National Philharmonic Orchestra of Armenia and Borodin String Quartet celebrated 70th anniversary of well-known Armenian violin Ruben Aharonyan.
Russian violin Alexander Knyazev in Armenia. 
Cello Suren Bagratuni and flute Massimo Mercelli congratulated the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia with their performances.
Hover State Chamber Choir is 25 years old.
Annual Festival of Folk Song-Dance “Gutan” kicked off.