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"Hayk and Bel: From Babylon to the land of Ararat illustration publishing
Is there any interest in the comic book genre in Armenia? What way did "Hayk and Bel: From Babylon to the Land of Ararat ”illustrated book go, from idea to publication. Producer, lawyer Narek Van Ashughatoyan and illustrator Tigran Mangasaryan are in the Artfocus pavilion. The conversation is conducted by Anahit Margaryan.
Next, cultural news.
House-shelter, part 1Men, like any living body, have a need for self-defence. They are said to have built the very first house in order to satisfy that core need. However, a house is not there just for its physical significance. It has always gained deeper importance by its spiritual meaningfulness expressed at all times and with all nations. The first part of the TV program is about the applied and ritual-worship meaning of house-building, from prehistorical times to nowadays.
Bohemia, part 1The aftermath of French Revolution introduced significant social changes into the lives of people of art. Their new life-style was reflected with a romantic pathos in novels, musical pieces. Such life-style was called “bohemia”. Today, this word raises different, but tempting and extraordinary associations. However, things are not as simple as they may seem. |
Bohemia, part 2The perception of bohemia changes over time. Controversial associations incite interest. There were expressions of bohemia in Armenian reality too. At present, the so-called “bohemia” rather carries the meaning of a “brand” and serves as a handy tool for commercial benefits. |
Information Carriers, part 2Man has used information storage and transferring media – the carriers, since pre-historic times. Along with the development of carriers, big changes in the quality of public, cultural, political life take place. The industrial or technological revolution of 19th century makes an overturn in the area of information carriers: the photograph, telegram, film, radio and telephone are invented. The information carriers of 20th century develop in a faster pace: the invention of computer, creation of networks change the world… every day. |
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Information Carriers, part 1
All those objects used to maintain and transfer information are considered information carriers. This part of the program presents the development history of information carriers, starting from pictograms to the invention of prinitng in Europe.
Pictograms, graphical writings on rocks, cuneiform tablets, paper, papyrus, twisted cylinder, codex -- the book with pages, all of these are viewed and interpreted as information carriers.
Karen Matevosyan, historian
Armine Zohrabyan, numismatist
Hasmik Hmayakyan, orientalist
Tigran Tamamyan, author and director of the program
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Universities, part 4In early 19th century Wilhelm von Humboldt founded the University of Berlin, which was a new stage for the development of schientific-education culture for Western civilization. It affects positively on the development of educational system in Armenia. Currently, the developments take place faster bringing about a number of new issues. Intergration of national educational institutions is one of the mandates. As for our educational system, what state is it in, what possibilities exist to integrate with scientific cultural institutions. The topic is covered by Sambel Karabekyan, expert in higher educational reforms.
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Universities, part 3
Universities, part 3
In the 12th century, new Universities were established in the Medieval Europe which still have global fame. Over that period, the educational system of Armenia developed keeping abreast with that of the West. The very first University, made reference of, was established by Anania Shirakatsi, followed by other reputable seminaries in Gladzor, Tatev, Sis and Skevra. The graduates of Gladzor University received "the bishop's pointer" granting them the right to teach. The official ceremony of granting the degree is still adhered to in Gevorgyan Seminary. Educational institutions operating adjacent to Medieval Monastries possessed all prerequisites to transform into an independent educational institutions. Despite the fact, that due to geopolitical circumstances, these seminaries didn't survive, however, they contributed immensely to the advancement of Armenian thought.
Harutyun Papoyan, methodologist
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Universities, part 2The public-political state of Western Europe changed fundamentally following the fall of Roman Empire. A unique scientific-educational culture was established resulting from complex relationships between ancient, Christian, Islamic, barbaric traditions, which served as a basis for the very first Western-European universities. These schools reached to such degree of perfection that laid the foundation of most reputable universities of the present world. |
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Universities, part 1The origins of current Western education trace back to Ancient Rome and Greece. There were certain forms of higher education in China, India, Near-East countries as well.
Information carriers, universities, bohemia. The TV series “Artifact” is about spiritual and tangible values created by the humankind, material expressions of human imaginary thoughts, their philosophical and practical meaning.
Frequncy: Monday, at 22:00
Rerun: Tuesday, at 13:00