Abraham and IsaacAVETIS: There is a story about Abraham, a bit sad and scary one.
The Creation of the UniverseAVETIS: God said let there be light.
Expulsion from ParadiseARPI: Oh, no, no, don’t listen to that liar Satan!
The Promise of GodAVETIS: God promised Abraham that he was going to have many-many descendants.
Jacob’s ReturnARPI: Why is Jacob so sad, has he recollected Esau?
Cain and AbelARPI: Who’s crying there, is that Eve?
Tower of BabelAVETIS: These are constructors, they want to build a tall tower, higher than this mountain.
Exit from EgyptARPI: Hey, see, the sea was divided, what’s this?
The TwinsAVETIS: Rebekah loves Jacob, while Isaac – Esau.
The Great FloodAVETIS: God told Noah to gather a pair of all animals – boy-girl, boy-girl.
MosesAVETIS: The Pharaoh has commanded to kill small children of all Jews.
Moses and PharaohARPI: What, is it that only slaves workin Egypt?
Bible Stories
Avetis - God told Noah to take pairs of all animals – a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl.
Arpi - But what if they eat each other?
Avetis – No, God will not allow that happen.
The wise thoughts of the Bible are for everyone, all times and all ages.
The TV series “Little Stories from the Bible” is the first introduction of Avetis and Arpi to the Holy Scriptures and their TV experience of telling their first impressions to their coevals.