September 15

Sacrament of September 15, 2019 (15 EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS. - isaiah 49.13-23 Col. 6.14-18 John 3.13-21). Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan speaks on the sacrament of the day. 



September 14

Sacrament of September 14, 2019 (14 Feast of Holy Church in Dedication of Holy Cross. - Parab. 3.9-17 Isaiah 66.12-16 1Tim. 3.14-16 John 10.22-42). Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan speaks on the sacrament of the day. 




September 13

Sacrament of September 13, 2019 (13 Fifth day of the Fast of the Holy Cross. - 2Cor. 10.7-17 Mark 9.37-49). Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan speaks on the sacrament of the day. 




September 12

Sacrament of September 12, 2019 (12 Fourth day of the Fast of the Holy Cross. - 2Cor. 9.10-10.6 Mark 9.13-26). Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan speaks on the sacrament of the day. 




September 11

Sacrament of September 11, 2019 (11 Third day of the Fast of the Holy Cross. - 2Cor. 9.1-9 Mark 8.22-26). Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan speaks on the sacrament of the day. 

September 10

Sacrament of September 10, 2019 (10 Second day of the Fast of the Holy Cross. - 2Cor. 8.16-2 Mark 8.10-21). Rev. Fr. Markos Mangasaryan speaks on the sacrament of the day. 



Introduction to the Gospel of Luke 1.1-4

What does Evangelist Luke talk about in the foreward, how different is the Gospel of Luke from other synoptic Gospels and most importantly, who does Luke address to his Gospel? 
Father Markos Mangasaryan provides explanations.


What is a Gospel, how many Gospels exist, which of them are called Synoptic, what are the differences and similarities, when have these been written and what’s the message they convey to us today? 
Father Markos Mangasaryan provides explanations.

Հովհաննես Մկրտչի քարոզչությունը (Մարկոս 1.1-8, Մատթ. 3.1-12, Ղուկ. 3.1-18)

Երեք ավետարանիչներն էլ՝ Մարկոսը, Ղուկասը, Մատթեոսը, անդրադարձել են Հովհաննես Մկրտչի քարոզչությանը: Ո՞վ էր Հովհաննես Մկրտիչը, ինչպե՞ս էր ապրում և գործում, ի՞նչ պատգամ էր տալիս: Մեկնաբանում է Տ. Մարկոս քահանա Մանգասարյանը: 

Good News of Christ’s Birth (Luke 1.26-39)

After the good news is communicated to Zechariah and Elizabeth, what does Luke the Evangelist say? How is the life of Mary and other Christians change thereafter? 
Father Markos Mangasaryan provides explanations on the passage. 

Escape from Egypt, Slaughter of Children of Bethlehem, Return from Egypt (Matthew 2:13-23)

When and why did Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt? What did Herod do when he learned he was deceived by the Magi regarding the child? 
Father Markos Mangasaryan provides explanations on the passage. 

Birth and Circumcision of John the Baptist, Song of Zechariah (Luke 1.57-80)

Why did Elizabeth decide to name her son John? What did that name mean for the Jews? What was the key message of Zechariah’s song? 
Father Markos Mangasaryan provides explanations on the passage.