The hole digger will fall into the hole himself

What does the phrase "He who digs a hole will fall into the hole himself" mean? Deacon Davit Gishyan comments on this. 


What does the phrase "Cornerstone" mean? Deacon Davit Gishyan comments on this. 

Carelessness in the front of impending danger

Stay awake because you do not know when your Lord will come. Be ready, for the Son of Man may come at an hour you do not wish for." Why does Jesus give this warning? What excuse is there for our indifference and carelessness today? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Life against drug addiction

"I came that you may have life and have it more abundantly." What is this word of the Lord about, why do we often choose a false way of life? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

The truth will set you free

"Know the truth and it will set you free." What does this word of the Lord mean? Is it possible to get rid of different types of addictions, for example, drug addiction? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Drug Addiction: A Culture of Death

Woe to the man by whose hand others fall into temptation! Why is Christ's word so harsh toward tempters? How persuasive is the Lord's word today? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this. 

The Crucified as a Source of Hope

How can we turn evil into good, pain and suffering into love when we are hurt and wounded? What example does Christ give us in this matter? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.



What does Christianity offer to make and strengthen the state? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.


The sacrifice of Isaac- Faith in Crisis

Why does God test Abraham's faith twice? How to keep believing in seemingly impossible situations? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.


The Sacrifice of Isaac: A Foreshadowing of the Cross

Why is the sacrifice of Isaac a foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.

The Sacrifice of Isaac: A Foreshadowing of the Cross
Why is the sacrifice of Isaac a foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.


The sacrifice of Isaac

Why does Abraham obey the word of the Lord and take his only son, Isaac, as a sacrifice? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.


Faith as Challenge

Why is faith given to man as a gift or grace? What choices do you have to make to get it? Reverend Fr. Ruben Zargaryan speaks on this.