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Holy Etchmiadzin is the first state-built sanctuary in the Christian world, the first central-domed cross-shaped church in the pan-Christian culture. The construction of the Mother Cathedral was completed in 303. The church has seen numerous disasters, renovations and reconstructions. 
The major renovation of the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin, completed in 2024, was the most extensive in modern history. It began with the foundations of the cathedral and ended with the two-pointed cross on the main dome. More than 2,600 square meters of frescoes were restored.

Prayer of Holy Muron

That Thy name may make peace
Christ our God, who are a sweet aroma in the hearts of those who believe in You and those who are bound by Your love, by Your humanity make us Your homes and dwellings, and make us worthy to work for You with all our senses and with all our souls, all the days of our lives, forever. Lord, fill us with the fragrance of Thy divine gifts, and pour into us the graces of Thy Holy Spirit, and make us partakers of the joy of the glory of Thy Throne, and stand us before Thee pure and spotless, adorned with holy deeds, that Thy name may make peace.

Prayer of Holy Muron

For this blessed Muron works miracles

This nature of the blessed oil, in which your Holy Trinity is united, grant us to be a ray of hope, an illumination of the mind, a sign of the Lord on the forehead, a guardian of the lips, a strength of the soul, against the tumult of demons, a destroyer of pains, a protection of virgins, the growth of children, the care of the elderly, the ordainer of the devoted, and a crown of kings. For this blessed Muron works miraculous arts and admirable works, amazing powers.

Prayer of Holy Muron

By this, let them be familiar and close to You

Merciful Lord, send Your almighty Holy Spirit on this Muron, and do this: an anointing of holiness, spiritual grace, life for our life, guardian and sanctifier of mind and body, oil of joy, which was presented to us by the Laws and brightened by the New Covenant; according to which You yourself anointed the holy apostles, and they all, with the rebirth of the pool, from which the children of the Church are reborn to this day.
By this let them be familiar and familiar to You, and keep all Your servants, men and women, holy in soul and body, to be free from all evil, to be Your own people, sealed with this myrrh. To be spotless, and to have Christ in their hearts with You, Father, and with Your Most Holy Hugh.


Artsakh- Hakobavank Monastery

Surb Hakobavank from Metsaran is in the Martakert region of the Republic of Artsakh. In the 13th century, Hakobavank was a famous place of pilgrimage and seat of the Eastern Armenians, Artsakh and Utik. The relic of the pan-Christian saint Hakob Mtsbna was kept here. Saint Hakobavank Monastery from Metsaran is under the jurisdiction of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church. After the Artsakh war of 2020, a pan-Armenian fund-raising was started for the repair of the monastery.

Anonymous Height. An episode of the 44-day war

The separate episodes of the 44-day Artsakh war are not studied that much. We know the territories of the Artsakh Republic occupied by Azerbaijan, handed over by the November 9 declaration, the names of the boys who died or were wounded during the war. We do not know who they are, where, how they fought, what problems they performed, what decisions they made on the spot.  The documentary "Anonymous Height" examines in detail and reveals one episode of the 44-day war, the capture of the hill called Anonymous Height in the south of Artsakh. We present a part of a full-length film.

Amaras-the Border Church

It is the spring of 2021, we are in Artsakh. The war of 2020 is over, but life is no longer as before! The war changed positions.  Russian peacekeepers, Armenian army positions and the walls of Amaras stand on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border in the Martuni region. We are greeted by the abbot of the day.

Before Tomorrow's Victory. Part 4

Visit of Rev. Fr. Movses Sargsyan, Head Chaplain of the RA Armed Forces to Kapan and Meghri (May 2021). 

Before Tomorrow's Victory. Part 3

Visit of Rev. Fr. Archimandrite Movses Sargsyan, Head Chaplain of the Armed Forces Ministry of the Republic of Armenia and Primate of the Diocese of Artshakh to Syunik region (May, 2021)



Before tomorrow's victory. Part 2

Visit of Rev. Fr. Archimandrite Movses Sargsyan, Head Chaplain of the Armed Forces Ministry of the Republic of Armenia to Vayots Dzor and Syunik (May, 2021).

Before tomorrow's victory

Pilgrimage to Napat takes place every year on the eve of the May Victory Feast. This year the tradition was preserved, despite the difficult moods, for the sake of strengthening and the will to remain stable in identity. 
On May 2, on the Feast of the Apparition of the Holy Cross, the Primate of the Artsakh Diocese, His Grace Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan, and Rev. Fr. Movses Sargsyan, Head Chaplain of the Armed Forces made a pilgrimage to Martakert, the Holy Savior Monastery of Napat.
Our borders and border guards were blessed with the Holy Cross of Ashot the Iron, the guardian of the Armenian army.

"Arlupa" app, augmented reality

If you see the "Arlupa" logo somewhere, then there is a hidden content there, use the "Arlupa" app to get more content than you can see with the naked eye. The Arlupa Virtual Reality (AR, VR) app is one of the top ten in the world.