December 25

Jesus Christ calls us not to serve wealth, but to use wealth to serve our salvation. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (25 Fast Day: Heb. 5.11-6.8: Lk. 18.18-27: )

December 24

The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the feast of the deacons
How many would like to accept the crown of martyrdom by undergoing the sufferings of Christ, how few would have the courage to confess him? Today the Mother Church commemorates the feast of the first of the martyrs, the deacon Saint Stephen. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this. 
(24 Saint Stephen the Forerunner and First Martyr. Acts 6.8- 8.2: John 12.24-26:)

December 23

Know the True God
After knowledge comes confidence, and confidence brings patience and steadfastness of faith. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (23 Prophet David and the Apostle James the Brother of the Lord: 2 Sam. 5.1-10: 1 Sam. 2.1-11: Ezek. 34.23- 27: Jas. 1.1-12: Matt. 22.41-46:)

December 22

There is no sin that God does not forgive
Take a step towards God and ask for forgiveness not only through prayers, repentance, but also through your deeds, love for others and keeping the commandments. Rev. Father Movses Sahakyan speaks on this. (22 † Fast Day: Is. 40.18-31: Heb. 4.16-5.10: Luke 18.9-14: )

December 21

How important are we to the word of the Lord?
The word of the Lord comes to us through the Holy Scriptures. If we want to be healed and we want to be healthy, we must turn to God and say, "We are not worthy, but Lord, speak and it will be done." Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (Saint Abgar the Witness and the First Christian King: Is. 7.12-20: Is. 44.1-5: Heb. 13.17-21: John 9.39-10.10: )

December 20

If you long for God's grace and await God's Justice, look at yourself with self-examination and self-knowledge and talk to your heavenly father, Jesus Christ. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (Fast Day: Heb. 3.12-4.10: Lk. 18.1-8: )

December 19

God is peace
If you want to hear the voice of God and enjoy the presence of God, you must be able to silence the noise of your soul and strive for peace. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this.
(19 Saints virgins Indes and Domna, and Clericus the Priest along with the 20,000 Martyrs of Nicomedia- Isa. 3:1-8: Jer. 30:18-22: 1 Pet. 4:12-19: John 15:17-25:)

December 18

Look and appreciate your life, look and appreciate your gifts and give glory to God and return to God, share your gifts with those who are seeking our Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. 
(Fast Day: 2 Thess. 2:1-16: Luke 14:25-27: )

December 17

If we direct our steps towards God, we will deserve God's Love and Mercy
God tries to bring us to perfection through some hardships and then grants us good things. We should not grumble and be dissatisfied with our lives. Rev. Fr. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this. (17 Saints Theopemptus the Bishop of Nicomedia and Theonas the Martyr, and the Four Soldiers Bassus, Eusebius, Eutychius and Basilides. Acts 24:1-12: Jer. 15:19-20: Heb. 12:1-7: Matt. 10:26-33:)

December 16

Be like children
If you want to understand what kind of place you have in Christ, be like children and you will see that there is no longer a question of big and small, the important thing is to love the house of God, our mother church, with your heart, soul and whole being. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (16 Saint Patriarchs Ignatius the Bishop of Antiosh, Addai the Bishop of Edessa and Maruthas the Bishop of Marv-Is. 5.1-8: Jer. 6.16-21: 1 Cor. 4.9-16: Mark 9.32-36: )

December 15

Strengthen Your Faith with the Words of the Lord 
When you go to bed at night, ask yourself, have you not been tempted by anything today, have you not been angry, have you not done something wrong? Have you not been a cause of temptation for anyone today? Have I forgiven the one who hurt me? Rev. Father Movses Sahakyan speaks on this( 15 † Fourth Sunday of Advent: Is. 38.1-8: Heb. 1.1-14: Luke 17.1-10: )

December 14

I belong to God
It is important for us to belong to God. Try to make that expression. To whom we belong, we follow. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (14th Saints James of Nisibis, Marouke the Hermit and Mellitus the Bishop- Is. 7.12-20: Is. 44.1-5: Heb. 13.17-21: John 9.39-10.10: )