January 24

People who seek glory from people, recognition, and fame are engaged in self-deception. Rev. Fr.  Tigran Badiryan speaks on this.
(24 Fast Day: 2 Tim. 2.3-14: John 5.31-47: )

January 23

The commandments are guides, guides that help us live a God-pleasing life. Follow the commandments of the Lord, so that you may walk on the paths marked by the Lord. Fr. Voskan Voskanian speaks on this. (23 Saints Vahan of Goghtn, Eugenia the Virgin, Her Father Phillip and her mother Claudia, Her Brothers Sergius and Apitonius, and the Two Eunuchs
. Prov. 7.1-7; Ezek. 12.17-19; Rom. 8.12-27; Lk. 9.23-27: )

January 22

A person can be saved when he has contact not with a person, but with God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this.
(22 Fast Day: 1 Tim. 5.17-6.5: John 3.22-36: )

January 21

From children, learn to believe and trust God unconditionally. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this. (21 Saints Cyricus and His Mother Julitta, and Saints Gordius, Polyeuctus and Grigoris: Prov. 14.1-6: Zech. 8.4-5: Is. 60.8-9: Heb. 2.14-18: Luke 9.44-48: )

January 20

The rulers must realize that their leader must be God. There is no other option to be a good leader. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (20 Saints Theodosius and the Children of Ephesus: Wis. 6.2-10: Is. 45.1-2: 1 Tim. 2.1-7: Luke 7.1-10: )

January 19

Accept the word of God, obey it and keep it. The word of God is the way of our salvation. Rev. Fr. Movses Sahakyan speaks on this. 
(19 † First Sunday after Nativity- Isa. 54:1-13: 1 Tim. 1:1-11: John 2:1-11: )

January 18

Love each other with divine love and everything will be fine. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (18 The Hermits Saints Anton, Triphon, Barsauma and Onouphrius. Rev. 21.15-24: Is. 19.19-21: Heb. 11.32-40: Matt. 10.37-42: )

January 17

God loves us and we must also Love God and the people around us.
Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this (17 Fast Day- 1 Tim. 4.1-12: John 2.23- 3.12: ).

January 16

God is always with us, are we with God? Rev. Father Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this. (16 Saints Peter the Patriarch, Blaise the Bishop and Absalom the Deacon. Wisdom 5.1-8: Brethren 3.31- 4.4: Romans 8.28-39: John 10.11-16

January 15

We distort the truth, we cripple justice, in order to be glorified where God should be glorified. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this.
(15 Dec. Fast Day. 1 Tim. 2.8-3.13: John 2.12-22:

January 14

With all your heart and soul, like John the Baptist, bear witness to the Lord. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this.
(14 Feast of the Birth of St. John the Forerunner (Baptist): Prov. 8.4-11: Malachi 4.4-6: Isa. 40.3-5: Acts 13.25-33: Luke 1.57-80:

January 13

We bear the name of our Lord upon our persons, and that is enough for us to be known by the visible and invisible adversary. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (13 † Feast of Naming of Our Lord Jesus Christ- Col. 2.8-15: Lk. 2.21: )