Levon Khachatryan

Everyone knew the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino". They liked it so much that at the persistent request of the audience, "Holidays in Prostokvashino" was released, and then "Winter in Prostokvashino". The life and creative path of Levon Khachatryan, creator of the main character of the film, with the Famous-Unknown film series.

Abbas Kiarostami

The greatest poet of cinema, Abbas Kiarostami. A person who harmonized poetry with reality, found its expression, loved a person and told everything about him.

Roje Vadim

"We cook beef, but not much. Leave in the shade and add a little butter. Put 4-5 lemons in the obtained broth. Strain it, add parmesan cheese.  When the broth boils, add the egg yolk, do you think they are incompatible? No, this is a real art of mixing lemon, cheese and butter. Remember, the incompatible can be turned into art. Just like the movie.” The author of this recipe is director Roje Vadim, who gives the taste and smell of French cuisine to cinema.

Rolan Bykov

"Heavenly Lord, they accuse me of something I have no idea about. They demand to imprison me, to block the film. Every day I return home torn, and killed, wanting only one thing - the end of it all."  Roland Bykov, a fighter of the Soviet cinema.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky

"There are many greats, but he was unique," stated Oleg Efremov. "His talent does not fit into logic," said Grigory Kozints. The life and creative path of Innokenty Smoktunovsky, one of the greatest actors of Soviet and world cinema.

Oleg Dal

The artist, the poet and the painter, the defenseless and the unforgiving, the avenger and the generous one, who sang serenades at night and destroyed everything in the morning. An artist who lived an unspeakably short and unspeakably bright life.  That lone clown was Oleg Dal. 

Lucino Visconti

One spring day in 1976 , listening to Brahms' second symphony in a wheelchair, Lucino Visconti turned to his sister and said: "That's enough now." In a few minutes, the heart of the master of world cinema stops.



Alexander Demyanenko

"It will be a mystery to me that Shurik is so public," Alexander Demyanenko admitted. "I did not play that role, I just appeared in the required scenes." That's a basic problem for an actor. " Demyanenko was known as Shurik. He suffered from it all his life. The actor's dream was to play dramatic, profound characters. The audience greeted the actor with joy, but he was even more disappointed. However, in art, especially in cinema, the most difficult thing is to laugh. Today, Alexander Demyanenko is considered an artist who can stand next to the great comedians of the last century.


Grace Kelly

She had only 4 years of life in cinema. However, she remained in the history of cinema as the most beautiful actress of all time. In 2001, she topped the list of the most elegant women of all time compiled by "Interfax". She has twice been nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress and once won. She has acted in 11 films, all of which have been included in the Golden Fund of World Cinema. She bore the title of Princess of Monaco with great responsibility, became the idol of millions and sadly left earthly life at a very young age. 




Robert Sahakyants

“I never shoot for Oscar of Louvre. I am not interested in it. I well about man”. 

Henri Verneuil

French actor Pierre Tchernia will say about this master: "Most of all, I admire and at the same time I am shocked by my friend Henry's life story. The genocide, which deprived him of his relatives and close friends, never broke Henry's spirit and vitality. He was a true son of his people. "

Jean Cocteau

In 1963 Jean Cocteau passed away. He found his ultimate rest in the arms of death to which he was heading in all his compositions. Years before that he wrote in the avandardists’ manifesto: “ One must be a living man and a posthumous artist”. It seems that he didn’t fail anyone in that…