
Gurgen Mahari

Life and activities of Gurgen Mahari in the format of TV encyclopedia. 


Komitas Vardapet

Many in his native town knew this skinny, thin and pale boy. “Little wandering singer”; this was how they called this wise and kind boy in worn-out clothes often seen asleep on the cold stones of laundry. The wandere was young Solomon, years later to be known as Komitas Vardapet.
Biography of Komitas Vardapet in the format of TV encyclopedia.


Antonio Gaudi

On July 2003, the Vatican Council was discussing the issue of canonizing Antonio Gaudi. People assured that on his funeral day even the city walls were crying, while the towers bowed their heads… 
Life and creations of Antonio Gaudi in the format of TV encyclopedia. 


Claude Monet

“After all, he’s just a mere eye. But oh, God, what an eye…”, - exclaimed once Cezanne referring to this painter. This was that very eye which could feel, see and make even the sunlight tangible. Painter of the Sun – this was how the founder and its last representative was labeled eventually. 
The life and creations of Claude Mone in the format of TV encyclopedia. 


Gustav Mahler

He was tortured knowing that he is the end of the line, the final point of the great symphonic arch, that began with Haydn and Mozart. It was his destiny to sum up the whole story of Austro-German music, and tie it up in a fearful knot made out of his own nerves and sinews. Life and creative path of composer, conductor Gustav Mahler in the format of encyclopedia. 

Iosif Brodsky

Year 1964.  24 years old poet stood in the Soviet Court. The conviction – loitering. He was arrested while walking carelessly in the streets. However, the young man was also charged with another verdict – degradation of younger generation by dissemination of such author’s work as Anna Akhmatova and Marina Tsvetayeva. The name of the defendant was Iosif Brodsky, one of the greatest figures of Russian literature of XX century. 

Boris Piotrovsky

In early 1920-ies, in Bolshevik Petersburg, at the specialist of Egypt, Natalya Flittner, a group of young men were admiringly discussing the most recent sensational discoveries in archaeology. The nearly untouched tumb of Tutankhamun was found in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. None of the young men could ever think that in about two decades it would be them to clean the dust off the history to bring the world to the knowledge of yet another culture, no less old than that of the Egyptian – the culture of Urartu. That young man was Boris Pietrovsky, twelveth director of Hermitage.

Mher Mkrtchyan

“I always wonder what that power is that goes from here and turns into a water in man’s eyes. Dear me! I never wanted to become an actor. Yet, step by step, my holy hour came too, dragging me to the theatre, and I never managed to have a childhood.”
Dramatic life and asserting art of the talented actor Mher (Frunzik) Mkrtchyan is presented in the format of encyclopedia.

Hamo Sahyan

Once the poet was asked why didn’t he write memoirs, he answered: “When I was still a child, my father would put me on the donkey and send me to bring apples. Once as I was coming down a hill, I saw that the saddlebag tore and all the apples scattered on the ground. The memories are likewise, once on the floor, you can’t go back and collect them”.
The biography and literary portrait of Hamo Sahyan is presented in the format of encyclopedia.

Movses Khorenatsi

60-ies of the V century: the neighboring village Vagharshapat is hosting the Catholicos of All Armenians Gyut. Those sitting at the table with him ask an old man, who lived there as a stranger, to make a toast to the Catholicos. The old man makes the toast in the style of sharakan (Armenian chant). Everyone is startled. The Catholicos Gyut gets closer to him and bows low to kiss his Teacher he was seeking for so many years. That old man was Movses Khorenatsi, the greatest of written Armenian culture Golden age.

Martiros Saryan

Martiros Saryan wrote about his seventy years of creative life as follows: “I am not satisfied with what I do, I strive for more creative simplicity, so that when people look at my painting, they feel as if they went outside for fresh air and they breath the joy. If the painting doesn’t excite and bring positive feelings about, then it misses what’s most important –the eternal breath of life. I seek to transfer the feeling of happiness for living”.

Sergei Dovlatov

Throughout all his life, Sergei Dovlatov managed to publish just one story in his “native” soviet press, and the topic was industry. The writer residing in the State and getting published in the most prestigious periodicals, was only known by “self-published” materials and his own program aired by the “Liberty” radio-station. His last book, the 13th, which was supposed to be published in the Soviet Union, was actually published in 1990, a few days after the writer died.