Konrad Lorenz

His memories of Armenia were contradictory. He lived a bitter life of a prisoner of war in our country.  But he always remembered that he started writing two of his best works on the shores of Sevan. The prisoner of war was not allowed to give paper or ink, he wrote on empty bags of cement supplied for construction with potassium permanganate. The book "The Opposite Side of the Mirror" was finally awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1972. Life and work of Austrian biologist Konrad Lorenz.

Hovhannes Baghramyan

Prominent Armenian military commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union Hovhannes Baghramyan.

Vahram Papazyan

Vahram Papazyan's "Othello" was recognized as one of the best roles in the world. None of the Armenian actors has achieved such international recognition and fame as Papazyan did. He also left behind five volumes of literary heritage, which are among the best pages of Armenian prose.


Suren Kocharyan

Some called his art literary estrada, some - reciting. Actually, Suren Kocharyan was the founder of one-actor theatre. 

Hakob Mndzuri

Hakob Mndzuri is the latest Western Armenian writer. In 1915, Mndzuri left for Constantinople for a short time, but never returned to the village Armtan. Days after he left, his parents, wives and four children were killed. He wrote about the village Armtan in Yerznka province for all his life. The first book was published when he was very old. His prose was a revelation in Armenian literature. Today, Mndzuri is perceived as one of the greatest Armenian prose writers.

Vahan Teryan

A poet, who turned the process of the development of Armenian literature. Vahan Teryan is a great reformer of the Armenian poetry, one of the apexes of the Armenian literature. He brought new topics, language and means of expression. The questions of the peotic methods of Vahan Teryan, his literary views, the national essence of his poems are still subject of discusssions. 

Stepan Zoryan

Stepan Zoryan's works are one of the best pages of the Armenian prose. Stepan Zoryan, as a member of the Teryan’s school of literature, is the bearer and applier of pure Armenian language. The author of the best novels of Armenian literature - "The Armenian Fortress", "King Pap" and "Varazdat" is also a genius representative of a small-scale prose. His other courageous deed was the unsurpassable translation of Lev Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace".
Zoryan is sometimes blamed for not protecting his colleagues during the stalinist violence. Meanwhile, he himself had to be concerned himself ...


Alexander Myasnikyan

By the efforts of Alexander Myasnikyan, Lori and Zangezur remained within the Soviet Armenia. He never signed the decision of Stalin on leaving Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. The most prominent Armenian military and state figure came to the homeland exhausted from hunger and typhus, and was able to put the country's economy into development, reconcile those who became hostile because of civil war, invited many prominent Armenian scientists and artists to Armenia to rebuild the country with joint efforts. His life ended with tragic death, in which Stalin and Beria were suspected.

Alfred Nobel

The most common legend about Alfred Nobel is that no Nobel Prize is awarded in mathematics because the lover of the inventor’s wife was a mathematician. As a matter of fact, Nobel was never married. In his biographers' opinion, as a very practical scientist, Nobel regarded mathematics as a very abstract field of knowledge, where it is impossible to determine which discovery can be regarded higher than the other.


In Tsarist Russia Lazaryans were known as philanthropists, national and public officials. It was due their efforts that the first Armenian Churches were constructed in the two Russian capitals. The most significant of those was the opening of Lazaryan Seminary in 1815 through the efforts of Lazaryan brothers. This education institutions late become Lazaryan Institute for Eastern Languages – the cornerstone of Eastern studies of Russia. For nearly one and half century it provided education opportunities to Armenian and Russian prominent writers, cultural figures, philologists and historians. 

Toros Toramanyan

“If architecture was a stone music, then Toros Toramanyan has turned that stone into live music”, said Avetik Isahakyan. “He is as much a splendid singer of our magnificient ruins and musieums”. TV Encyclopedia present the life and scientific activities of famous architect, scientist Toros Toramanyan. 

Dmitri Mendeleev

When asked the question what was his biggest invention, he said it was meeting the dawn from the kite. Outstanding chemist – this was how everyone knew him. Yet, for the sake of truth, it should be noted that only 10 percent of his overall works were devoted to chemistry. The life and fate of Dmitri Mendeleev on the screen of Shoghakat in the series Encyclopedia.