July 26
We should be grateful before God
We should be able to appreciate when we are cleansed of our sins or receive grace from God. We must stand before God pure, grateful and appreciative. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (26 Fast Day 1 Cor. 11.1-16: Mark. 1.35-45).
July 25
Almighty God sees and hears everything
As a result of fear of God, we will get rid of all kinds of bad habits: lies, hypocrisy, hypocrisy. We will clean them from us and turn our eyes to Jesus Christ. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this. (25 Saints Sophia and Her Three Daughters: Pistis, Elpis, and Agape. Acts. 11.30-12.4: Hosea. 14.6-9: 2 Cor. 4.6-14: Luke. 12.2-10: )
July 24
The Lord has already given you the greatest gift
A person is priceless, regardless of his financial situation, because he has the image and likeness of God. Keep that image and you will be saved. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (24 Mon. Fast Day: I Cor. 7:25-35: Matt. 19:13-26: )
July 23
Let's offer our united prayers to God
The Lord is constantly inviting people to gather under his wings, but people are busy with their worries and do not follow and listen to Christ's words. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this. (23 Saints Twelve Prophets: Hosea, Amos, Micah, Joel, Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Jonah, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi 10.11-12. Amos: 5.10-14: Mick: 7:7-9. Yovel: 2.12-13. Abd. 1.20-21: Jov. 4.2: No. 1.7-9. Amb. 1.1-3. Sop. 1.7-8: Eng. 2.7-10. Zack: 7.9-13. Magak. 1.4-6. Rome. 11.2-5. Guk: 13.31-35) .
July 22
Commandments form righteousness in us
Never think that the law, the commandment, the rule are not suitable. They are important so that justice can reach its goal in the case. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks in this. (22 Saints Maccabees: Eleazar the Priest, Shamuna and Her Seven Sons Acts. 29.2-7: 2 Mac. 6.18-7.42: Heb. 11.32-40: Matt. 5.17-20).
July 20
The cross is our way of salvation
We have the sign of the Lord's resurrection every day and we make that sign on our body when we cross ourselves. This sign is our miracle, our history and the way of our salvation. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (20 Saint Gregory the Illuminator's Sons and Grandsons: Saints Aristakes, Vrtanes, Housik, Grogoris and Daniel. Jer. 17.7-8: Isa. 61.3-7: 2 Tim. 1.6-14: Luke. 11.29-32.
July 19
Forgive to be forgiven
Try not judgment and punishment for people, but mercy. Each of us is in great need of mercy. We are all sinners before the Lord. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (19 Fast Day: I Cor. 5.9-6.10: Matt. 18.23-35)
God promised to remove pain and sorrow
We do not need to believe what we see, but what was promised to us with faith and hope will be granted to us. God promised to eliminate all pain and suffering, grief and sorrow from this world. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks in this (18 Saints Forefathers: Adam, Abel, Seth, Enos, Enoch, Noah, Melchizedech, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Eleazar, Joshua, Samuel, Samson, Jephthah, Barak, Gideon and other Holy Patriarchs: Gen. 4.1-50.26. No. 20.23-30. Ex B. 34.5-12: Hes 24:29-33. I King 15.34-16.13. Heb. 11.1-31. Guk: 20:34-40)
July 17
Love man and God will love you
It is only through collective prayer in the church that a person is able to fulfill the greatest and most important commandment of God: to love the Lord God with all his mind, soul and strength. To love one's brother and friend as oneself. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (17 Mon. Fast Day- I Cor. 2.12-3.10: Matt. 18.15-22: JULY).
July 16
Commit yourself to Christ unconditionally
Christ does not take the troubles away from us, but accompanies us in the moment of trouble. Trust in Christ, because he is the giver of peace and peace. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this. (16 Saints Athenogenes the Bishop and the Ten Disciples and Five Martyrs. Acts. 8:1-4: Malach. 2.5-7: 1 Pet. 5.1-7: John. 16.33-17)
July 15
God delights in one who is converted
There is no one who does not have an occasion and a reason to listen to God, to listen to God's word. That opportunity and right is given to everyone. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (15 Saints Cyprian the Bishop, the Forty-five Martyrs and the Virgins Justina, Euphemia and Christina. Isa. 46.12-13: Gal. 3.13-22: Luk. 15.1-10).
July 14
Be like children
God says be careful and do not neglect the children. We are talking not only about real children, but also about spiritual children. Rev. Fr. Movses Sahakyan speaks on this. (14 † Sun. Second Sunday after Transfiguration. Me. 3.16-4.1. I Cor. 1.25-30. Matt. 18.10-14).