February 12

We are created in the image and likeness of God. Priest Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (Third day of the Fast of the Catechumens: 1 Cor. 7.25-35: Matt. 19.13-26: )

February 11

Communicate with God through fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this.
(11 Second day of the Fast of the Catechumens)

February 10

Keep the fast of the elders in such a way that at the end it is clear that a new person was born. The meaning of fasting is to have a new life. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (First day of the Fast of the Catechumens- Ac. 29:2-7: 2 Mac. 6:18-7:42: Heb. 11:32-40: Matt. 5:17-20: )

February 9

Jesus Christ says, I am your salvation, do not be afraid. Priest Movses Sahakyan speaks on this. (Sunday, Fourth Sunday after Nativity. Eve of Fast of Catechumens-Isa. 61:10-62:9: 2 Tim. 2:15-26: John 6:15-21: 
Barekendan of the Fast of the Lord. (The Book of the Lord is not read during the four days of the Fast of the Lord))

February 8

Do not be ashamed to testify to the word of the Lord, for you will be strengthened. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (Sat. Saint Gregory the Illuminator's Sons and Grandsons: Saints Aristakes, Vrtanes, Housik, Grogoris and Daniel. Jer. 17.7-8: Is. 61.3-7: 2 Tim. 1.6-14: Luke 11.29-32: )

February 7

If you do not know how to atone for your sins, direct your steps to the church, where you will hear the blessed words of the Lord. Rev. Fr. Tigran Badiryan speaks on this.
(26 Fast Day: Titus 1.12-2.10: John 8.12-20: )

February 6

Almighty God sees everything. Hypocrisy and duplicity should have no place among us. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this.
(Yesh. 10:11-12:4: Hosea 14:6-9: 2 Cor. 4:6-14: Luke 12:2-10: )

February 5

Be honest before yourself and our Lord Jesus Christ. Priest Tigran Badiryan speaks on this. (Monday, 3rd day of the Nativity of Christ: Heb. 1:1-12: Matt. 2:13-23: ).

February 4

Open the eyes of your soul so that you can focus them on the true light of Christ. Rev. Fr. Voskan Voskanyan speaks on this.
(Saints Twelve Prophets: Hosea, Amos, Micah, Joel, Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Jonah, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi: Hosea. 10.11-12: Amos. 5.10-14: Micah. 7.7-9: Joel. 2.12-13: Abd. 1.20-21: Jonah. 4.2: Neh. 1.7-9: Amb. 1.1-3: Zeph. 1.7- 8: Hag. 2.7-10: Zech. 7.9-13: Malach. 1.4-6: Rom. 11.2-5: 

February 3

Keep the law of the Lord and follow the word of God. Be confident that the grace of the Lord will be expressed in your life. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this.
(Saints Maccabees: Eleazar the Priest, Shamuna and Her Seven Sons. Prov. 29.2-7: 2 Mac. 6.18-7.42: Heb. 11.32-40: Matt. 5.17-20:)

February 2

To believe means to keep all the commandments of Jesus Christ. Rev. Fr. Movses Sahakyan speaks on this.
(†Sun. Third Sunday after Nativity: Isa. 62:1-11: 2 Tim. 2:15-19: John 6:39-47:)

February 1

Do we consider the work we do good and kind? If there is a lie, fraud and bribery, you will not enjoy wealth. Rev. Fr. Arnak Harutyunyan speaks on this. (Sat. Saint Gregory of Theologian: Prov. 8.33-36: Hos. 10.12: Amos. 5.10-14: Acts. 20.25-32: John. 10.11-16: )