In Ararat, the 2nd anniversary of the Church of the Holy Savior was celebrated with a festive liturgy

The residents of Ararat started the day in the Holy Savior Church with a festive service. The single-dome, built of black and orange tuff, Saint Holy Savior is the only place of worship in the city, the construction of which took more than 10 years. Adjacent to the church, a candle-lighting hall and a pastor's house were built, which will soon be used for the activities of the youth union and the Sunday school. The entire area of ​​the church is also well-kept and green.

Along with the restoration of the Cathedral, the adjacent green area is being improved

In the next 1-2 years, the green area of ​​the Temple will get its complete appearance. At the suggestion of the Patriarch of All Armenians, the landscaping of the Temple was designed with the motifs of Armenian carpet art ornaments. A large team of landscape architects, botanists, and designers worked to create a green combination suitable for the surrounding structures and climate. Among the flowers, white and red roses, lavender and hydrangea were chosen, which are separated from each other by bushes. The plants were imported from different European countries in April last year.

Documentary-photographer Hrayr Baze Khacheryan's picture book "Khachkar" was presented

The book contains photographs of khachkars of Armenia, Artsakh, Western Armenia, Nakhichevan, Georgia, Iran, Jerusalem, Saint Petersburg and other places. About 500 khachkars are presented in the newly published book. The author referred to the differences in styles and stone types of historical cross stones. He analyzed and studied them from a spiritual and religious point of view. The artist drew parallels between the images of khachkars and the miniature images in ancient Armenian manuscripts.

Vysotsky's works will be studied by the students of "Real School"

Soon, the "Real School" school will teach students with its own textbook by Grabar, which includes fables, modern stories with Grabar translation, excerpts from the works of historians and even Grabar translations of songs by Vysotsky and other authors. The real school operates in Yerevan, Vanadzor, Ijevan, Gyumri, accepting 100 applicants annually, a branch will be opened in Goris in the near future. In cooperation with the Armenian Apostolic Church and YSU Faculty of Philology, "Real School" conducts Grabar Olympiads among pupils and students.

Fr. Derenik Sahakyan's book "Greetings to those reading and listening to my letter" was published

The presentation of the book "Greetings to those reading and listening to my letter" by Father Derenik Sahakyan, a member of the Brotherhood of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, and the premiere of the documentary film of the same name based on the motifs of the book took place. The book is about the deceased brothers of the author's grandfather who participated in the Second World War.  Apart from a few dozen letters, the family had no other information about them.  It was only in 2020 that the author discovered that the grandfather's elder brother died in 1945 in Germany and is buried in the brotherly cemetery in Kaliningrad.

The two wells inside the Cathedral are being repaired and cleaned

There are 2 wells inside the Mother Cathedral, one inside the northern depository, the other in front of the altar of Saint Stepanos Proto-deacon, from where believers took water, convinced that it was endowed with the miraculous power of the temple. Since 2012, restoration architect Amiran Badishyan has measured and recorded the volume of water in the well in front of Stepanos Nakhavka's shrine in dry and rainy seasons. There is no water in the second well, never before. At the end of the restoration of the temple, the well will be cleaned and there will be water in both.

Historians have compared the cultural genocides in Ani and Shushi

Historians Hovik Avanesov and Mher Harutyunyan made a historical and comparative analysis of the cultural genocide in Ani and Shushi. They referred to the state policy of destroying Christian values. The report was presented in the Museum of History of Armenia, at the international conference entitled "The Archaeological School of Ani".

The restoration of the northern and southern altars and holy tables of the Cathedral has begun

The southern altar is named after John the Baptist. The northern altar bears the name of Saint Stephen, the first archdeacon who was martyred for the Christian faith. Both were built in the 17th-18th centuries. In the 1950s, during the restoration of the Temple, the holy tables were damaged. By the decision of Karekin II, the Patriarch of All Armenians, a new one will be built, more in line with the Temple.

On June 2, the feast of Holy Etchmiadzin was celebrated

64 days after the feast of the Holy Resurrection, the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the feast of the foundation of the Holy Etchmiadzin. This year it is on the second of July. A festive liturgy was held in the Saint Gayane Monastery under the solemnity of the Catholicos of All Armenians.

June 1 is the commemoration of Saint Gregory the Illuminator's coming out of Pit

The relics of the saint were brought to the Khor Virap monastery complex and a festive liturgy was held. The feast coincided with the International Children's Day. We talked with the children in the courtyard of the monastery: who protects them and how, children's opinions varied.

The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrated the Feast of St. Hripsime and her Companions

The Armenian Church celebrated the feast of the St. Hripsime and her Companions and herald the beginning of the Araratian week. The Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, accompanied by a spiritual class, took out the reliquary of St. Hripsime, which is kept in the treasury of Holy Etchmiadzin, from the monastery.

FAR awarded 17 grants to representatives of the science sector

At the National Academy of Sciences, the Armenian National Fund for Science and Education of the Armenian Aid Fund of the Armenian Apostolic Church awarded 17 grants to scientists to carry out scientific research in biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, physics, chemistry, history, philology, material science and other fields. Out of 145 scientific applications submitted to the competition, 17 were declared winners. Winners were selected by a US-based panel of experts. The amount of each grant is $7,500.