The best specialists from 16 countries of the world are participating in the International Congress of Armenian Studies

On the initiative of the Mashtots Matenadaran, an International Congress of Armenian Studies is being held in Armenia on July 19-22, in which major scientific centers of the world participate. The Congress can become an international platform for the promotion of Armenian Studies. Around 40 authoritative Armenologists and medievalists, representatives of spiritual-manuscript centers from Antilias, Zmmar, Venice, Vienna, Jerusalem will present the modern centers of Armenology, the challenges and perspectives of Armenology for three days.

A festive liturgy was held in St. Thaddeus Church of Masis

The Armenian Apostolic Church commemorated one of the founders of the church, Apostle Thaddeus and one of the first Christian martyrs, Virgin Sandukht. On that occasion, with the blessing of Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, the relic of St. Thaddeus the Apostle was taken to St. Thaddeus Church. It was he who converted the virgin Princess Sandukht, who was imprisoned by her father, King Sanatruk, and then ordered to kill her. St. Sandukht is considered the first Armenian Christian martyr.

An international conference entitled "Perspectives of Armenian Philology" was held in the National Library

Philologists living in Armenia and different countries of the world presented three dozen reports during the conference held in parallel in several halls of the National Library. The organizer and sponsor of the "Perspectives of Armenian Philology" international conference, the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America will try to publish a collection that meets international standards based on the articles of the conference, and then will pursue the solution of the problems posed by scientists.

On the day of the Transfiguration, a service of the granting of the Acolytes was held in the Kecharis monastery

In the Kecharis Monastery of Tsaghkadzor, on the Feast of the Transfiguration, with the blessing of the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, a granting of the Acolytes was performed before the liturgy. The Primate of the Kotayk Diocese awarded 43 people of different ages and professions with degrees. They have been serving in various churches of Kotayk diocese for years.

A spiritual yard camp was organized in the yard of St. Hovhannes the Evangelist Church of Artashat

200 children participate in the Camp, which is being held for the 6th time, 60 of them are children of displaced families from Artsakh. For a week, they train, play, participate in competitions and talk in the church yard. Father Hovsep Sargsyan and Father Yervand Babayan are responsible for the proper implementation of the camp agenda.

The participants of the Artsakh war take part in an IT training course

More than 100 young people who took part in the Artsakh war took part in the "Information Technology Training Courses" program, which was implemented by the "Thinkbeat" charitable organization with the support of the "Henk" nationwide charitable foundation. The program is for volunteers who participated in the 44-day war, soldiers injured or disabled as a result of the war, relatives of the dead, members of families forcibly displaced from Artsakh.

The geography of the three-year program "Civic Education in Regions" will be expanded

From 2023, the Armenian "Round Table" Foundation of the World Council of Churches started the three-year program "Civic Education in Regions", which includes Shirak, Lori and Tavush regions. The implementation of the project is also supported by the dioceses and their affiliated social centers. The "Civic Education in Regions" program of the "Round Table" Foundation will continue until 2025.

The Aragatsotn Diocese celebrated the 29th anniversary of the re-consecration of St. Hovhannes Church in Melikgyugh

29 years ago, Catholicos Karegin I re-consecrated the Saint Hovhannes the Baptist Church of Melikgyogh, which had been desecrated for more than 60 years. It was built in 1891 by immigrants from Alashkert. In 1935, by order of the Kurdish authorities, it ceased to function and turned into a warehouse. This year, on the occasion of the re-consecration of the church, the relic of Hovhannes the Baptist was brought to the village for the first time and a festive liturgy was offered.

In the Holy Mother of God church of Nork Marash, the Feast of the Discovery of St. Mary’s Box was celebrated

The Feast of the Discovery of St. Mary’s Box has appeared in the Armenian church calendar since the 18th century. In 1774, it was included in the calendar compiled by the Catholicos Simeon of Yerevan. The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Mobile Feast on the fifth Sunday of Advent. During the year, the Armenian Church celebrates several holidays dedicated to Our Holy Mother of God.

Students of "Luys Mankants" Sunday schools made a pilgrimage to Oshakan church

Around 600 students from different cities and villages with their teachers and spiritual pastors raised a prayer under the arches of the Saint Mesrop Mashtots Church and asked for the intercession of the holy teachers for their future lives.

The 7-year-old student of Youth Center took an honorable position at the Armenian Chess Championship

Karo Movsisyan, a 7-year-old student of the chess class of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and AGBU Nork Youth Center, took an honorable position in the Armenian chess championship for under eight-year-olds. The class has fifty chess players in different age groups. They participate in national and international competitions. There are educational and amateur groups.

On the Feast of Holy Translators, a festive meal was served in the St. Mesrop Mashtots church in Oshakan

On the feast dedicated to the creation of Armenian writings, a festive liturgy was held in the St. Mesrop Mashtots Church of Oshakan under the leadership of Bishop Mkrtich Proshyan. Traditionally, on this day, the already literate first graders visit the St. Mashtots Church. The clergyman urged the attendees not to forget about the victory achieved by faith, thought and writing in the 5th century.