A digital platform has been created for the people of Artsakh with a research grant provided by AGBU

The project "Artsakh: My Childhood Street: 101 Stories" is a digital platform that presents the stories of 101 Artsakh children aged 5-15. In addition to the fact-finding function, the platform is also a networked community for Artsakh children, where Artsakh residents in different parts of the world can find each other and talk in their native dialect.

Cafesjian Center and Shahid Chamran University donate books to Vache and Tamar Manoukian Matenadaran

On the occasion of Book Donation Day, the Khoy “Culture and Sports Center” NGO organized a Tumanyan matinee at the Vache and Tamar Manoukian Matenadaran of the Mother See. The Cafesjian Center for the Arts and the Shahid Chamran University of Iran donated books to the Vache and Tamar Manoukian Matenadaran. They, in turn, received Armenological and religious literature as gifts from the Matenadaran of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the publishing house, and the Bible Society of Armenia.


Azerbaijan continues the war in the region

Azerbaijanis have recently been circulating the thesis that Bartholomew, one of the founding apostles of the Armenian Church, preached and was killed in Baku. It turns out that Azerbaijan is also pursuing a policy of appropriation towards Georgia and Iran. Anna Sargsyan spoke about this manifestation of hybrid warfare with Gor Margaryan, a researcher at the Geghard Foundation and a candidate of historical sciences.

The First Commandment: The Foundation of the Ten Commandments

Justice comes from God, which we accept. How to love God with your heart, soul, and whole being? Archimandrite Ruben Zargaryan comments.

The technology of blaming the victim

The Armenian people, particularly the Armenians of Artsakh, have been fighting for the right to live freely and independently in the struggle for the right to self-determination for generations. That amount of sacrifice is considered excessive even today. What is the phenomenon of blaming the victim: a complication or a tactic? Anna Sargsyan discussed the topic with Vitya Yaramishyan, a candidate of psychological sciences, until 2023. Vice-rector of Artsakh State University.

Prayer: A Journey to God

What is prayer, what example of prayer does Christ give us in the Garden of Gethsemane, and how do we gain experience in prayer over the years? Archimandrite Ruben Zargaryan comments.

Zohrab Erkoyan presented a photo exhibition at the Tekeyan Center on the occasion of Army Day

The author has been in the army since the 1980s. His camera has captured all the settlements of Artsakh, spiritual and cultural monuments, women and clergy serving in the army. Students of Peyo Yavorov Primary School 131 performed a military-patriotic song and dance at the event. This is one of the first schools in the capital where national songs and dances are taught.

Not to renounce the right of Armenians to self-determination

February is the month of the 1988 Karabakh movement in the collective memory of Armenians. It was essentially a struggle for the right to self-determination. Did the fall of the Republic of Artsakh put an end to that struggle? Anna Sargsyan discussed the topic with candidate of legal sciences, attorney Taron Simonyan.

Command and freedom

“I am your God, who brought you out of the house of slavery.” How does this first commandment relate to the idea of ​​freedom and how is it interpreted by Christ? Father Ruben Vardapet Zargaryan speaks on this. 

Not to abandon the complaints filed against Azerbaijan in international courts

A number of public organizations demand that the government and Nikol Pashinyan not abandon the complaints filed against Azerbaijan in international courts under any conditions and circumstances, and refrain from proposing to dissolve the OSCE Minsk Group. How is this dangerous for Armenia? Anna Sargsyan discussed the topic with Anna Melikyan, a legal expert at the “Protection of Rights Without Borders” NGO.

Don't desire- part 2

The commandment "Thou shalt not covet" does not mean to kill the natural desire within you, but rather to be temperate. Know yourself, your desires, and your limits, so that you may thereby respect yourself, your surroundings, and your society. Fr. Archimandrite Ruben Zargaryan comments.

Vache Sharafyan

The opening concert of the 16th Festival of Armenian Composers' Art will be marked by the premiere of Vache Sharafyan's "Graceful, Prayerful" symphony, dedicated to the 850th anniversary of the repose of St. Nerses the Graceful, the Patriarch of All Armenians and the rededication of the Mother Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin. Ahead of the premiere, Anahit Margaryan spoke with composer Vache Sharafyan at "Artfocus".