The football player of St. Hakob Church in Kanaker

Hayk, the scribe of St. Hakob Church in Kanaker, attends Liturgy every Sunday with his family. The future football player dreams of visiting all the churches of Armenia as a pilgrimage.

Military doctor: During the war, the medical service fared better than any other service

After participating in the Artsakh war, Medical University student Gevorg Voskanyan decides to transfer from the Medical Faculty to the Military Medical Faculty. He participated in 3 wars and claims that during the April and 44-day wars, the medical service worked several times better than all other services. It saved many people's lives and many injured people did not become disabled.


The uncomplaining scribes of Vardenis village

It is a holiday for the children of Vardenis village of Aragatsotn diocese when Father Moushe visits the village and offers a liturgy. They treat the church with great responsibility and love. After the liturgy, they are not in a hurry to return home, they enjoy the company of their priest father until late in the evening.


Doctor Artur Manukyan

Trials and experiences of a military doctor
Doctor therapist and pulmonologist Artur Manukyan served his term of service in Artsakh, and during the 44-day war he was an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. His mission was to provide first aid and transport wounded soldiers.

For scribe Aram, the church is unity

For Aram, the St. Hakob Church in Kanaker is unity. He starts any important work with prayer. Every Sunday, Aram's family attends Liturgy with him. Aram's preferences are diverse: sports, rocketry, physics.

Liturgy is a part of Vahagn's life

The invitation to participate in the Liturgy by the priest of St. Hovhannes Church in Kond changed Vahagn's life. Vahagn, a child writer, attends football every Sunday early in the morning, after which he rushes to artend the luturgy. 


8-year-old Norayr visits St. Thaddeus Church in Masis every Sunday with his father. He wears a shirt and helps his father serve the altar.

The scribes of Sevan

The altar of the Church of the Holy ArchAngels in Sevan is always full of children. The children spend Sundays in church, love to go on pilgrimages with their father, and also travel and fish.

Rev. Fr. Mikael Nurijanyan

All human life is a pursuit of perfection
The school-aged daughter's homework was the reason that Rev. Fr. Mikael Nurijanyan started painting. According to those who receive grace and use it for the glory of God and the needs of people, God gives even more. But when grace is enveloped, hidden, not used, God takes it and gives it to someone else.

Davit (Abovyan city)

For Davit, a 9-year-old scribe of St. Hovhannes Church in Abovyan, the ride is still a bit big and uncomfortable, but he attends church with pleasure and anticipation. Every Sunday, he puts on the shirt and waits until he is on the Altar. In the evening, before going to sleep, he prays the prayers he invented in his mind, then the Lord's Prayer and falls asleep. Along with the lessons, he reads the Bible, he was particularly impressed by the episode of David.

Hakob (Artashat)

Hakob's Sunday begins in St. Hovhannes the Evangelist Church in Artashat. He wears a shirt and attends the liturgy. He lovingly takes care of the garden and waters the trees with his church friends.

Sevak Shahbazyan

Trials and experiences of a military doctor
The chief surgeon of Yerevan, Sevak Shahbazyan, remembers the path of the military doctor with great enthusiasm and excitement. According to the doctor, every Armenian should be next to the army and soldiers. No reward can compare to the thanks of the mother of the surviving soldier. What trials did Sevak Shahbazyan overcome and what feelings did he have?