A matinee was organized at the writer's museum on the occasion of Ruben Sevak's 140th anniversary

The entire archive of Ruben Sevak was collected by his nephew, Hovhannes Chilinkiryan. In 2013, through the efforts of the Patriarch of All Armenians, the MASE became the final resting place of Ruben Sevak. The museum tells its visitors about Ruben Sevak's literary and social activities; at the same time, it has also become a preferred place for organizing cultural events for many artists. Not only the writer's personal archive is presented, but also the works of Armenian artists of the same period.

A digital platform has been created for the people of Artsakh with a research grant provided by AGBU

The project "Artsakh: My Childhood Street: 101 Stories" is a digital platform that presents the stories of 101 Artsakh children aged 5-15. In addition to the fact-finding function, the platform is also a networked community for Artsakh children, where Artsakh residents in different parts of the world can find each other and talk in their native dialect.

An exhibition of works by students of Youth Centers was held at the Artists' Union.

The exhibition featured works by students studying in the painting and applied arts classes of the Youth Centers. Hundreds of students and teachers from eight Youth Centers operating in Armenia had the opportunity to present the results of their daily creative work in their educational institutions: miniatures, sculptures, paintings and pottery. The exhibition was dedicated to the 30-year activity of the Youth Centers.

Cafesjian Center and Shahid Chamran University donate books to Vache and Tamar Manoukian Matenadaran

On the occasion of Book Donation Day, the Khoy “Culture and Sports Center” NGO organized a Tumanyan matinee at the Vache and Tamar Manoukian Matenadaran of the Mother See. The Cafesjian Center for the Arts and the Shahid Chamran University of Iran donated books to the Vache and Tamar Manoukian Matenadaran. They, in turn, received Armenological and religious literature as gifts from the Matenadaran of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the publishing house, and the Bible Society of Armenia.


The Museum of Literature and Art organized an exhibition on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of Barsegh Kanachyan

The museum presented the violin of composer and conductor Barsegh Kanachyan, which his father bought with great hardship. Kanachyan was one of Komitas' five gifted students. The composer's choral works, solo songs written to the words of Armenian poets, arrangements of patriotic songs, and children's songs have been performed in the Diaspora and Armenia. On the occasion of the anniversary, students of the Barsegh Kanachyan Art School performed at the museum.

The relics of Saint Sarkis were taken to the churches of the Masyatsotn Diocese and a liturgy was celebrated

The relic of Saint Sarkis the Warrior, enshrined in a right-shaped reliquary, was taken from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin to the Saint Sarkis Church in the village of Vostan, Masyatsotn Diocese, on February 16, and a liturgy was celebrated. For two years now, a liturgy has been celebrated every Sunday in the church, which was renovated through the efforts of the Masyatsotn Diocese. The relic of the saint has also been taken from the village of Vostan, Masyatsotn, to other churches of the diocese.

The relics of Saint Sarkis will be carried to the churches of the Masyatsotn Diocese for Sunday liturgy

Pilgrims from Masyatsotn and other dioceses, led by priests, gathered at the St. Sarkis Church in Argavand to participate in the festive liturgy and renew their vows with the intercession of the saint. At the end of the liturgy, those present partook of a meal. Later, during the Sunday liturgy, the churches of the Masyatsotn diocese will present the relics of St. Sarkis.

Music therapy is organized every week for children with Down syndrome

They listen to and play classical music. The “Music Therapy for Little Ones” program is implemented by specialists. At the initiative of Father Grigor Grigoryan, the “Arev-Children” Children’s Health and Development Center NGO deals with their problems. For five years now, the center has been operating in a comfortable facility at 19a Koryun Street, which is the support of His Holiness the Patriarch for children.


Zohrab Erkoyan presented a photo exhibition at the Tekeyan Center on the occasion of Army Day

The author has been in the army since the 1980s. His camera has captured all the settlements of Artsakh, spiritual and cultural monuments, women and clergy serving in the army. Students of Peyo Yavorov Primary School 131 performed a military-patriotic song and dance at the event. This is one of the first schools in the capital where national songs and dances are taught.

The official magazine of the Mother See of Armenia, "Echmiadzin", has been published continuously for more than 80 years

With its adopted educational mission and historical, philological, and religious studies, the "Echmiadzin" magazine is the successor to "Ararat", which was published from 1868 to 1919, until the deepening socio-economic crisis in Eastern Armenia and the establishment of the Soviet regime. The magazine's circulation has periodically decreased, from 1,000 to 150. During the Soviet years, the magazine's volume was around 60 pages, and since the years of independence, it has been around 160 pages. The editorial office publishes foreign-language supplements to the magazine twice a year: for example, Nerses Shnorhali's Riddles in Chinese translation.

The Sunday school students of the Holy Mother of God Church staged a Christmas-themed performance

In parallel with spiritual education, children learn singing, dancing, drawing, etc. in Sunday school. The Sunday school operating in the St. Anna and Catholic Church of the Holy Mother of God is attended by about fifty children. Sunday schools operate in almost all dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church, with the mission of educating a generation that is church-loving, patriotic, and has high values ​​of Christian morality.

Photos of Kashatagh monuments collected in one book

Journalist, photographer Zohrab Erkoyan and Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Mher Kumunts have jointly published the book “Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Zone” in English. Zohrab Erkoyan photographed the monuments of the Kashatagh region between 1996 and 2020, most of which are included in the book. Presenting the rich cultural heritage of Artsakh, the authors try to bring the lost culture to life through photography.