The Holy Armenian Apostolic Church celebrated the Feast of the Ark of the Covenant

With the blessing of Bishop Gevorg Saroyan, Primate of the Diocese of Masyatsotn, a great all-diocesan pilgrimage was organized to the White Monastery of Lanjanisti on Saturday. The spiritual pastors, deacons, acolytes, members of the choir, a large number of believers from different communities joined the pilgrimage.

Saint Grigor Narekatsi Church of Gugark Diocese in Vanadzor was re-consecrated

After the renovation, the Mother Church of St. Grigor Narekatsi of Vanadzor was re-consecrated. The main problem was the repair of the roof, ceiling and walls damaged by rainwater. The work took several months. In the process, it became necessary to restore the Holy Altar and the damaged parts of the voluminous murals decorating the walls of the church.

Students of "Luys Mankants" Sunday schools made a pilgrimage to Oshakan church

Around 600 students from different cities and villages with their teachers and spiritual pastors raised a prayer under the arches of the Saint Mesrop Mashtots Church and asked for the intercession of the holy teachers for their future lives.

The Catholicos of All Armenians received the "All-Armenian Council of Diplomats"

"All-Armenian Council of Diplomats" NGO President Gurgen Melikyan presented the goals and plans of the organization to the Armenian Patriarch and asked His Holiness's blessing for the activities of the newly created structure. Conveying his paternal blessing to the members of the organization, His Holiness addressed to the challenges facing Armenia, the problems and threats of protecting the fair rights of the Armenian people.

Good Friday is the commemoration of Christ's crucifixion, death and burial

In the Holy Gayane Monastery of the Mother See, the clergy glorified Christ's sufferings and crucifixion with singing. They read the prophecies of the Old Testament and the episodes describing the last hours of the son of God in the 4 Testaments.

The young people discussed the Bible in the office of ACYO

A lecture on the Bible was held in the central office of Pan-ACYO, in which more than 70 young people participated. Father Markos Mangasaryan, responsible for the social services office of the Mother See, invited them on his social network page. At the beginning of the year, he started the "Holy Book in a year" initiative, by which a person can read the Gospel in a year by spending only 25 minutes a day.

The ceremonies of re-consecration of the Mother Cathedral and Blessing of the Holy Muron will take place on September 28 and 29

The Catholicos of All Armenians accompanied the participants of the meeting with the expanded composition of the Supreme Spiritual Council to the under-repairing Cathedral. The restoration of the dome and most of the frescoes has already been completed. The murals were first taken down from the walls, processed, restored and re-installed. Special attention was paid to the construction of heating, ventilation and drainage systems. In the near future, the builders are going to cover the almost 900 square meter floor of the temple with marble slabs.

A Rest Service was performed in the Saint Gayane Monastery

According to the accepted order, during the 40-day fast, a Rest service is performed every Friday. The prayers of Grigor Narekatsi and Nerses Shnorali are the basis of this service. With the spiritual lesson, the believers ask the Lord to keep them away from their sins, to give them a peaceful and undisturbed night. Gospel passages and psalms are also performed during the service.

Remembrance ceremony organized in the Ruben Sevak Museum of the Mother See

On Ruben Sevak's birthday, the high school students of the 151st school named after the writer hosted visits. The Ruben Sevak Museum was opened in 2013 with the efforts of the writer's nephew. The French-Armenian philanthropist donated his entire inheritance to the Mother See. The museum presents Sevak's personal belongings, letters and books. A collection of more than 200 valuable paintings was also donated.

Erik Mkrtchyan after the 44-day war

The ill-fated ATS strike in Jarakan changed the life of Erik Mkrtchyan. He and his family moved from Vanadzor to Yerevan so that he could receive long-term treatment first in the hospital and then in the "Soldier's House". Eric now considers that after being injured, he appreciates life, his relatives and the world around him. He believes that difficulties have made him stronger.

52 Artsakh citizens were baptized in the St. Gevorg Church of Naragavit

52 Artsakh citizens were baptized at the end of the Sunday service in the Holy Gevorg Church of Noragavit, but the baptism was not general. Several families from Artsakh came to the church with their godfathers. The godparents of the other part were taken over by the members of the St. Gevorg Church community.

The Patriarch of All Armenians met the participants of the Priest Accelerated course

Another group of priests from the dioceses of Armenia and Diaspora completed the Priest Accelerated course. The priests lived in the Mother See for three weeks, attended courses at the "Garegin I" educational center, communicated with the monastery's Brotherhood. At the end of the training, the Patriarch of All Armenians Karekin II met with the priests.