Nativity and Theophany of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Armenian church in Moscow

Diocesan Primate His Eminence Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan offered the festive Liturgy in the Holy Transfiguration Church in Moscow. The Liturgy was attended by thousands of Armenians from Moscow and surrounding cities.

Exhibition at the "Ark" Museum of the Armenian Church in Moscow

Exhibits of the Novosibirsk State Museum of Art were taken out of the state for the first time. The exhibition, entitled "Multiple-faced Siberia", was held in the "Ark" museum of the Armenian church complex in Moscow.

Feast of the Holy Translators in the Armenian church complex in Moscow

His Eminence Archbishop Ezras Nersisyan emphasized in his blessing remarks that the Feast of the Holy Translators is the day of Armenian culture and education, which reminds every Armenian about identity, dignity, dedication and patriotism.

International conference entitled "Artsakh in historical and modern context" in Moscow

On September 15, the international two-day conference entitled "Artsakh in the historical and modern context" was launched in the Armenian Church in Moscow. More than 50 Armenologists, historians and cultural experts from different countries of the world participated.

The first Armenian church is being built in Belarus

On September 10, His Eminence Archbishop Ezras Nersisyan presided over the blessing of the foundations of the first Armenian church in Minsk.

The new academic year in the educational institutions of the Armenian Diocese of Russia and New Nakhichevan

The beginning of the new academic year was announced at the school named after St. Grigor Narekatsi in Moscow and Youth Centers of the diocese.

Archbishop Yezra's Pastoral Visit to Novosibirsk

On August 2, the Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Russia and New Nakhichevan, His Eminence Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan left for Novosibirsk on a two-day pastoral visit. The first meeting of the delegation of the Armenian Church was with Metropolitan Nikodim of Novosibirsk and Berdsk.  The exhibition "Treasures of the Ark in the Heart of Siberia" was opened in the State Museum of Art, in which more than 100 exhibits of the Ark Museum of the Armenian Church in Moscow were presented.

Feast of Transfiguration in the Armenian Church in Moscow

On July 24, on the Feast of the Transfiguration of Christ, the diocesan Primate His Eminence Yezras offered a festive liturgy in the Moscow Cathedral.  The folk festival of Vardavar continued until late evening in the churchyard. 

The academic year of the school after Narekatsi in Moscow completed

The educational standards of the Russian Federation operate in the school after St. Grigor Narekatsi operating in the territory of the Armenian church complex in Moscow. Teaching Armenian, however, is mandatory for all students, regardless of nationality.

Clergy Conference of the Armenian Diocese of New Nakhichevan and Russia in Moscow

A regular meeting of priests was convened in the Armenian Church of Moscow on May 24-26, chaired by His Eminence lArchbishop Ezras Nersisyan, with the participation of 41 priests from different cities of Russia, Central Asia and Moldova.

Feast of Ascension at the Holy Transfiguration Armenian Church in Moscow

Our clergymen from different cities of Russia, Central Asia and Moldova celebrated the Feast of Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ with the faithful at the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Moscow.

The icons of the Armenian Church in Moscow are being cleaned by specialists

At the invitation of the Diocesan Primate, two leading painters-restorers of the St. Petersburg State Museum of History and Religion arrived in Moscow to clean the icons of the Holy Transfiguration Armenian Church.