The director of the film "Stone" presented a new film

The focus of attention of Armenian film writers has almost always been on the genre of war cinematography. Many of the figures of Armenian cinema went to the front, took part in military operations, in order to make more realistic films. The continuation of this tradition is the young director Arman Ayvazyan who lives next to us today. His film "Stone" tells about a group of volunteers who risk their lives to enter Kashatagh days before the deadline for the handover of Artsakh territories to search for and save the Armenian khachkars from destruction. The film won the Silver Apricot at the Golden Apricot Festival in 2023. And the other day, the closed screening of Arman Ayvazyan's new film took place. Anahit Margaryan spoke with the director about films, war, documentary in "Artfocus".


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Polish-Armenian poet Zahrat. In the conditions of censorship in Turkey, how was the poet Zahrat established, what are the characteristics of Polish-Armenian poetry and what are the artistic peculiarities of Zahrat's poetry? Literary experts Hayk Hambardzumyan and Arkmenik Nikoghosyan discuss these questions in the "Parallel Readings" program.

The people of Artsakh are going through a difficult psychological period

The encirclement of Artsakh by Azerbaijan was a type of military operation. When it is not possible to capture the fortress, they close the entrances and exhaust, starve and despair those inside. Even after being in that difficult situation for 10 months, people were ready to endure and live in their land. But on September 19, the enemy launched an attack against unarmed and besieged Artsakh using all modern weapons and in large numbers. In terms of military equipment and numbers, Azerbaijan was many times superior to Artsakh, which resisted for a whole day. Added to that was the explosion near Stepanakert, which killed hundreds of people. People who have gone through all this experience collective and individual traumatic shock, post-traumatic mental disorders, complex psychological, socio-cultural stages of forced resettlement and adaptation. Anna Sargsyan discussed the topic with candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Vitya Yaramishyan.

Students with disabilities of the "Way of Happiness" NGO were baptized

Beneficiaries of the Vagharshapat charitable organization "Way of Happiness" were baptized in the Church of the Holy Virgin Mary of Etchmiadzin. The organization provides daily day care to 20 beneficiaries aged 18-65 with mental disorders, speech, vision, locomotion and other problems. The purpose of the organization is to ensure the social integration of students into society and ensure their employment.

350 rugs and carpets are displayed in the museum of folk arts

Metal art works, silverware, stone art, ceramics, micro-sculptures, 350 carpets and rugs are displayed in the Hovhannes Sharambeyan Museum of Folk Arts. The collection of Armenian decorative and applied arts housed in the museum includes almost 12,000 exhibits. The 45-year-old museum is active. Anahit Margrayan discussed educational programs and cooperation with folk art masters on the "Artfocus" program with museum director Lusine Toroyan.

Why and how to portray "David of Sassoon"

We imagine the epic "Sasna Tsrer" with the illustrations of Hakob Kojoyan, Yervand Kochar, Aram Isabekyan and many other artists. Images that have become symbols of epic characters and, of course, the original text often do not allow us to imagine the heroes in a new way, and even more so, to perceive our national epic in new formats, for example, painting or comics. Why and how to portray "David of Sassoon"? Literary critics Hayk Hambardzumyan, Arkmenik Nikoghosyan and artist Tigran Mangasaryan discuss these questions in the "Parallel Readings" program.

New strategy of education and science. part 160

The government has stopped funding the national song and dance program
There are rumors that the national song and dance program will be removed from schools in 2026. Ani Hakobyan, researcher of the Institute of Arts of the National Academy of Sciences, specialist in the reconstruction of the National Academy of Sciences, claims that the process of including new schools has been suspended since this year. He hopes that the government will review this decision and the already tried program will be financed again. Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed with Ani Hakobyan the level and problems of teaching national song and dance in public schools.

A poem about me. Vardan Hakobyan

Vardan Hakobyan, entering the arena in the early 70s, continued the traditional path of Armenian poetry. From the end of the 1990s, his work changed, acquiring modernist shades. What are the characteristics of the poetry of the popular poet from Artsakh, about which Vardan Hakobyan wrote and remained silent? Literary experts Hayk Hambardzumyan and Arkmenik Nikoghosyan discuss these questions in the "Parallel Readings" program.

The presentation of the last book of the late Vardan Devrikyan took place

The presentation of Vardan Devrikyan's latest book took place on the occasion of his 60th birthday. He wrote the history of the founding of the Mother See printing house, the first publishing house in Armenia, together with his daughter, scientist, researcher Shoghakat Devrikyan. About a year ago, the scientist passed away due to a sudden illness. Vardan Devrikyan is one of the most prolific scientists of the time. He is the author of about 40 books and more than 60 scientific articles.

The Catholicos of All Armenians met the priests of the Priests Accelerated Course at the Mother See

His Holiness received the clergy participating in the Priests Accelerated Course. He urged the churchmen to make the best use of this opportunity and to continue their pastoral service with greater zeal, gathering new knowledge and being strengthened by each other's experience. The training program is implemented by "Garegin I" educational center under the direction of His Grace Bishop Vahan Hovhannisyan. The program was launched in October last year. The course lasts 3 weeks. 200 priests participated in the program.

New strategy of education and science. part 159

The attempts of the "Munk" technical school to cooperate with the government continue to fail
After the 44-day war, the "Munk" technical school, founded in Artsakh, was moved to the regions of Armenia after being forcibly displaced. Unlike the technical school in Artsakh, where it received money from the government and was able to maintain stability, the government in Armenia does not cooperate with the project manager in any way. Despite this, the program was successfully transferred to Armenia and continues its activities there. Hovhannes Yeranyan discussed the activities of "Munk" with Ashot Avanesyan, the founder of "Yes" educational foundation and "Munk" technical school, in "Taghavar".


What does the parable teach in the 21st century?

A parable is a didactic, often allegorical, short, profound conversation or verse that presents ideas that are relevant for all times. Do proverbs keep their meaning even in the 21st century? Literary experts Hayk Hambardzumyan and Arkmenik Nikoghosyan discuss the issue in the "Parallel Readings" program.