Friday, March 8, 2024

On the Friday before Sunday of the Judge a Peace service was performed in St. Thaddeus Church of Masis. Priests of Masyatsotni Diocese and community members gathered for united prayer. It is already the second year that days of joint prayer are organized in Masyatsotn Diocese during Lent.
His Holiness the Patriarch emphasized that the role of a woman has always been valued in the life of the Armenian people, especially her mission in raising children in the family and educating generations. Now Armenia and all Armenians are facing complex challenges. The Armenian Patriarch said...
A concert dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the "Lusavorich" school choir was held in Constantinople. The "Lusavorich" polyphonic choir sings during liturgies and important church holidays. The Lusavorich Choir, created 95 years ago, has undergone a continuous generational change, the parents...
In the Komitas Museum Institute, the presentation of the book "Mural paintings of Holy Mother of God Monastery of Akhtala" by Rev. Fr. Hetum Tarverdyan. Father Hetum is the spiritual pastor of Akhtala and neighboring villages of Gugark Diocese. Having served for years in the Holy Mother of God...
This Sunday, the 5th day of Great Lent, is called Sunday of the Judge. Today's sacrament explains the parable of the widow and the judge. The behavior of the widow teaches us to be steadfast in prayer and firm in faith. The parable is about praying unceasingly, hourly, tirelessly.