The creation of the Armenian Seminary is a unique event that opens a new page for the spiritual education of Armenians in Russia. The beginning was set in August 2023, when the Federal Service of Supervision in the field of education and science of the Russian Federation granted the seminary a... 2024-03-25
In the courtyards of St. Gevorg and Holy Etchmiadzin churches of Tbilisi, the faithful participated in the liturgy and then the festive Liturgy with bunches of green twigs. Palm Sunday was also celebrated in the Holy Cross Church of Akhalkalaki, Saint Gregory the Illuminator of Akhaltsikhe, Saint... 2024-03-25
At the Opening of the Doors service, the clergymen symbolically ask for the Lord's mercy. Psalms, prayers, and hymns are sung in front of the closed altar during the service. The mysterious door-opening ceremony performed in the evening of Palm Sunday completes the celebration performed in the... 2024-03-25
The parable of the 10 virgins will be mentioned during the service on Holy Tuesday evening. Great Thursday is the commemoration of the Confirmation of the Eucharistic sacrament. A washing of the feet ceremony will also take place on Great Thursday. After the evening service on the same day, the... 2024-03-25 |