Friday, March 29, 2024

This year, with the blessing of the Catholicos of All Armenians, 600 children from Artsakh visited Holy Etchmiadzin with their parents on the occasion of Palm Sunday, were blessed, received gifts, and had lunch with the congregants of the Mother See.
In Saint Gayane Monastery, the Catholicos of All Armenians, together with the Brotherhood of the Mother See, participated in the Betrayal Service. This ceremony is performed on Holy Thursday in all Armenian Apostolic churches. At the end of the day, the betrayal of Christ was mentioned. The last...
On the first day of Holy Week, in the St. Gevork church of Armenian Diocese of Georgia, His Grace Bishop Kirakos Davtyan, Primate of the Diocese presided over the Lenten Meditation service. The Armenian believers of Tbilisi joined the churchmen in joint prayer in the Presbyterian Church.
On Holy Friday, the commemoration was performed in the Open Altar of the Mother See under the solemnity of His Holiness the Patriarch. During the Burial Service, the hymn "Crucify Your Christ" was performed, which commemorates the betrayal of the Lord and the sufferings suffered for the sins of...
In the Holy Gayane Monastery of the Mother See, the clergy glorified Christ's sufferings and crucifixion with singing. They read the prophecies of the Old Testament and the episodes describing the last hours of the son of God in the 4 Testaments.
In the evening of Holy Week, candlelight services will be held in churches. At the end of the liturgy, after the pre-holiday ceremony, the priest fathers will announce the miraculous Resurrection of Christ. The Feast of the Resurrection begins with the candlelight liturgy. Sunday resurrection...