Saturday, March 30, 2024

In the Old Residence, the Catholicos of All Armenians announced that the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ this year does not contain the joy and excitement of the previous years. Times are complicated and full of unpredictable developments for the Armenian people and Armenia. At the same...
The Candlelight Liturgy is celebrated twice during the year, at Christmas and Resurrection. Candlelight means lighting, extinguishing lamps and candles. It symbolizes the light given to humanity by Christ, eternal life. The Holy Liturgy of Candlelight was celebrated in the St. Gayane Monastery...
After the candle light liturgy, the members of the youth unions of the diocese churches from the St. Sargis Presbyterian Church of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese carried out the procession with the Gospel of the Resurrection. Passing the Good News of the Resurrection to people, the participants...