Sunday, August 18, 2024

Following the Evening service on the eve of the Feast of Assumptiona ceremony of consecration of the newly donated bell was performed in the Holy Mother of God Church of Kanaker of the RA Army Chaplaincy. After the overhaul of the roof and the belfry, the consecrated bell will be installed in the...
On the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God, liturgy was served in all Armenian Apostolic churches. Under the patronage of the Catholicos of All Armenians, the Brotherhood of the Mother See participated in the Liturgy at the Saint Gayane Monastery. The Celebrant was His...
Reverend Father Vanand Andreasyan spoke about the role of the Holy Mother of God and the salvation of humanity. Holy Mother of God has a unique place in the class of saints of the Armenian Church. She was taken to heaven not only in spirit but also in body. At the end of the Divine Liturgy, a grape...
Reverend Fr. Poghos Vardanyan was the Celebrant at the Saint Gregory the Illuminator mother church in Yerevan. Feast of Assumption of the Holy Mother of God is the fourth major holidays celebrated by the Armenian Apostolic Church. The blessing of grapes is one of the most popular one of the...