Monday, August 19, 2024

Almost all members of the Armenian community in Sãn Paulo, Brazil participated in the preparation of the Feast of the Assumption of Holy Mother of God. The festival dedicated to the Holy Mother of God has become an occasion to unite, spend time together, and celebrate. The Armenian Diocese of...
"Navakatik" educational and cultural non-governmental organization and "Masunk" traditional song and dance ensemble offered people games, invited them to dance, and told the traditions of the feast in "Yeraz" park on the evening of the feast of Assumption.  
On the occasion of the Feast of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God, a festive divine liturgy was offered in the Armenian Apostolic Churches. The Catholicos of All Armenians and the Brotherhood of the Mother See participated in the Liturgy at the Saint Gayane Monastery. At the end of the...
A two-day training course entitled "We are young people who serve the centuries-old church" was held in Aragatsotn Diocese with the participation of more than 140 young people. Representatives of art and science, clergy held discussions with the young people, each of them addressing the...
The employees of the socio-educational centers of the dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church participated in the discussion on the topic "Modern tricks promoting family well-being and the usefulness of the media field". It was organized by the Armenian office of the United Nations Population...