Monday, September 23, 2024

The Sunday following the Exaltation is the pilgrimage day of St. Stepanos Church of Nigavan community. The dilapidated church built in the 1870s was re-consecrated in 2015. On the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the re-consecration of St. Stepanos Church of Nigavan community, with the...
The Primate of the diocese, the clergy and more than 120 young people walked for about 3 kilometers and overcame the difficulties of the road to reach the humble holy place dating back to the 13-14th century. The diocese often organizes pilgrimages to this humble church, the sanctuary of the...
Among the important relics participating in the sacred ceremony are the relics of the founding apostles of the Armenian Church Thaddeus and Bartholomew, which were donated to the Armenian Church by Pope John Paul II in 1994. The reliquary of the Holy Martyrs will be taken out. The sacred...
In one of the two exhibition halls there are finds from the pre-Christian period, in the other there are samples with the image of the Mother of God. The head and hand of the famous bronze statue of the goddess Anahit, which are preserved in the prestigious British Museum, were exhibited for...
The "Hay Art House" of the Armenian Diocese of Canada organized a pilgrimage to the Quebec shrine and the Mother of God Cathedral. On September 21, the Armenian Congregation of Saints Hakobyans of Jerusalem made a republican prayer in the Cathedral of the Holy Mother of God. In...