Saint Grigor Narekatsi school has more than 40 students. Children actively participate in Olympiads, scientific research and music competitions.
The education at St. Grigor Narekatsi College is 11 years long, operates according to the educational standards of the Russian Federation and is... 2024-09-02
His Holiness noted that Artsakh is not the past, it is a historical homeland, where the Artsakh Armenians have lived and created for thousands of years, defended their identity with blood and sweat, the contributions and sacred values of their fathers, cherished their dreams of a bright future... 2024-09-02
From now on, Artsakh Armenians will regularly gather at the office to participate in discussions, events, and conversations. The first meeting took place on August 30, which was dedicated to the Artsakh Republic Day. People of Artsakh can get information about the meetings to be held in the... 2024-09-02
The Armenian Round Table Foundation of the World Council of Churches, in cooperation with Ararat Municipality and Masyatsotn Diocese, has opened football clubs in several settlements of the region and provided the youth with the opportunity to train for free. 2024-09-02 |