Monday, November 11, 2024

In Geneva, at the center of the World Council of Churches, a joint prayer was held at the call of the Catholicos of All Armenians. The ceremony was held in the Saint Pierre Cathedral in Geneva. The World Council of Churches invited people of good will to join the prayer for the sake of peace and...
The blessing and consecration ceremony of the chapel was performed by the Primate of the Diocese of Armavir, His Eminence Archbishop Sion Adamyan. The cross, the bell, and the holy Altar were consecrated. The Zorats chapel was built in the community's park. Taronik is one of the 5 parishes of...
Brazilian Armenians prayed for the protection of the rights of Artsakh Armenians in St. George Church of Sao Paulo, in particular, for the servicemen, civilians and representatives of the military and political leadership of the Republic of Artsakh who were kidnapped, captured by Azerbaijan and...
In the Saint Nicholas Armenian Church in Rome, a prayer was heard for the servicemen illegally captured by Azerbaijan, military and political leaders of the Artsakh Republic and civilians. It was organized by the Pontifical Levonian Armenian College of Rome and the representation of the Armenian...
With the blessing of the Catholicos of All Armenians, the solemn consecration ceremony of Saint Sahak and Saint Mesrop Church of Vosketap village was held by Bishop Gevorg Saroyan, the Primate of the Diocese of Masyatsotn. The newly built shrine bears the name of the most prestigious fathers of...
The Catholic Church of the Czech Republic donated the relics of the Apostle Bartholomew to the Armenian Apostolic Church. The donation received by the archbishop of Prague, Jan Graubner, is a sign of the support and solidarity of the Primate of the Catholic Church towards the Armenian people...
After 15 years of spiritual service, His Grace Bishop Khoren Arakelyan of the Greek Armenian Diocese received the episcopal degree. He received his higher education first at YSU, then after being discharged, he was admitted to the Gevorkian Theological Seminary. After serving as an abbe for...